The great fargle-snorker brake saga…

Yeah, I know, I’m working on brakes a lot lately…but they ARE kind of important and besides, I am the stubborn sort. I WILL FIX THESE DAMN BRAKES…or perhaps I will end the world trying…one or the other…which one depends on my mood at the time I suppose.

So, when last we paused for breath, I was needing a new vacuum-booster (otherwise known as a Hydrovac brake booster or, the technical term, a fargle-snorker-brake-sucker-thingy). Seems the old one was letting air into the system AND leaking brake fluid into the vacuum side, which of course then gets sucked into the engine.

Interesting effect…that.

Despite my fascination with large and colorful clouds of smoke, I decided I would rather be able to stop the truck (thus avoiding yet ANOTHER large and colorful cloud of smoke and more than a few swear words), so I got a new one.

Those following along will be pleased to know that despite there being two VERY different parts available for the brake booster on the Left-handed Fargle-snorker, and the only way to tell was examining the old one, which of course was over a hundred miles away when I made the purchase…that I actually acquired the correct part!

Amazing! I’m not sure that’s ever happened before…

Hydro-vac brake booster for a Ford F-600

Hey look! I bought the right one!

Of course, it wasn’t just a BOLT IN replacement…alas, it just never works that way. If you look closely in that picture you will see the substitute bracket it was held on with.

It wasn’t “bolt in” because there weren’t any bolts! Seems the last time anybody worked on this thing they decided that the three 1/2″ bolts that hold this thing to the frame were just not suitable, so they tossed them away and replaced them with a piece of dog-chain.

Yep. I said dog-chain.

the incorrect bracket for the hydro-vac brake booster

The incorrect bracket for the hydro-vac brake booster

So, between the brake, vent, and vacuum lines…and the piece of dog-chain…this thing was ALMOST attached to the truck!

I decided dog-chain is probably not the best bracket, and decided that bolting the thing back to the frame was probably best.

Of course the hardware and auto parts places had closed exactly 38 seconds before I realized I needed parts, and I was lacking a machine shop to turn some bolts out of the remains of the missing Huey UH-1 (long story, remind me to tell you about it sometime), I’ll have to hit it again later.

That’s okay…it’s friggen HOT out there now (with a 25 mph “breeze” like a blast furnace) and the bolts would melt anyway.

Not tomorrow though, father’s day and all that. Gonna make a dinner and figure out a present (Hmmm…Huey UH-1 perhaps?)

So yeah. One day soon. Brakes. Better yet, brakes that are actually bolted to the truck!

Daniel Meyer

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Fargle-snorker-vacuum-sucker thingy…

Soo…went by the NAPA boys…have I mentioned that they absolutely rock?

Anyway, got the Hydro-vac vacuum booster for the Fargle-snorker…at least, I *hope* I do…

There are two different ones, ya see…and the only way to tell which it is, is to look at it. Sooo…I got the one I *think* it is…from memory of what lines were hooked up to the one on the truck…but there is always that niggling doubt…and I won’t be able to check till this weekend.

Anyway, the NAPA boys (I *have* mentioned that they rock, yes?) got me a good price, waived the core charge if I promise to bring the old one back, and told me I could exchange this one for the other model if it turned out I got the wrong one.

Only problem I had so far is it came in a giant box! Wasn’t expecting it to be quite that big so it was a challenge to haul around on the Valk…

A big box on the Valk

Hauling a big box on the Valk

A REALLY big box!

Big Honkin box on the Valk

Big Honkin box on the Valk

The Vacuum sucker-boost thingy…

Vacuum brake booster for a 1981 f-600

Brake Vacuum booster (single system)

Vacuum brake booster for a 1981 f-600

Another view

The only difference between the two models is this one (the single system) has one output that goes to a distribution block, and the dual system has two outputs that then go to a proportioning valve (which looks remarkably like a distribution block).

I only remember one outlet line on the one under the truck, but I am of course, not 100% sure. I should have taken a picture or actually removed the unit (I was too disgusted with the entire process to work on it any more that day).

It’s 50-50 that I got the right one…or it was till I actually picked one…then the odds probably went against me by about 80-20. That’s just the way the “law of mechanical maladies” works in the world.

I guess I’ll know Saturday!

Daniel Meyer

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Up in Smoke…

“Huh. Wondered where all that brake fluid was going…”
Quoted by me when I started the Left-handed Fargle-snorker and she smoked the entire neighborhood in thick, white smoke.

Me and my friend Mike were finishing up the brakes on the Fargle-snorker today, but we had extreme difficulty bleeding them. Very frustrating…they are just hydraulic brakes and should, really, be no big deal to bleed.

The Left-handed Fargle-snorker getting brake service

I had replaced the front left wheel cylinders…what the heck was making it so difficult?

Well, the vacuum booster is a bit different on this truck…it’s NOT on the master cylinder on the firewall like anybody that’s worked on brakes might expect, rather, it’s under the truck, behind the driver’s side seat. It’s a massive vacuum booster and a slave cylinder. Turns out the slave cylinder is leaking, but unobtrusively…and thus introducing some air into the system that was making it very difficult to get a good bleed on.

Bleeding is done with no boost…engine not running, no vacuum in the booster…

Eventually, I decided that there must be something wrong there or in the master cylinder so I started the truck up to see how the boosted brakes would feel.

That’s when all the brake fluid that had been leaking past the slave cylinder and accumulating in the vacuum reservoir got sucked into the intake on the engine and burned. LOTS of white smoke. Sigh.

I need yet another part. The NAPA boys are going to love me on this one.

Daniel Meyer

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Death Roll…

It died a brutal death…torn to bits and scattered far and wide.

Yes, Geronimo the cat saved us yet again from the ever dangerous and sneaky paper towels of doom.

Yes, this was the horrific scene when we awoke Sunday morning.

Geronimo saves us yet again.

Gleefully slaying the paper towels of doom...

Obviously a serious battle ranged for some time. We never heard a thing. Once again, saved from untold horrors of the paper towels of doom.

Daniel Meyer

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Mark your calendars!

Clarksville Fine Arts Festival
(click the pic for all the details)

The Clarksville Fine Arts Festival is Saturday, May 28, 2011. It’s shaping up to be the best one yet. Live music all day Saturday, great acts, lots of fine artists (over 30 at last count), more than 10 authors, LOTS of great food!

I’ll have a booth. Come see me!

Daniel Meyer


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Stop it…

“Can I help you sir?”

I swept into the store with a flourish, “PARTS! I REQUIRE PARTS FOR MY FARGLE-SNORKER!”

God bless the NAPA Auto/Truck parts guys…they don’t even flinch when they see me coming anymore. I use them often, and usually for something weird.

The guy was instantly ready on his computer. “And what kind of Fargle-Snorker would that be sir?”

“A left-handed one of course.”

Ah yes, down to business. The Left-handed Fargle-snorker, as regular readers may know, is my creaky 30 year old toy bucket-truck, used when I really want to play hard reach high places or show off my tools to other rutting males to cow them in order to attempt to impress the female of the species, who will, of course, notice nothing.

Now, since it weighs 17,000 pounds or so (yeah, I have a big tool!), and has an engine and transmission to get it moving, it really needs working equipment on it to get it stopped when I reach wherever it is I need to be elevated to. It’s hard to work on something if you can’t even stop for a moment to get the lay of the land. The equipment needed? Namely brakes. Hence the title to this post, which is a quote from me as I backed the thing out of the yard the other day and discovered the problem.

“Ooooo…” on the sharp intake of breath, “Stop it stop it stop it!” The quote was, of course, delivered with all the calmness and smooth verbal inflection of a cheerleader on helium, but I digress.

Again, regular readers may recall this incident where I found the need to do some brake work about a year ago this month…

Well, same deal, other side. The front driver’s side wheel cylinder (brake parts) is leaking fluid. There are two of them, different from each other AND different from the passenger’s side.

The NAPA guys rock by the way. Parts will be here Wednesday.

My favorite picture of this tool in action.

Boom goes up...boom goes down!

The Left-handed Fargle-snorker in action.

The Left-handed Fargle-snorker in action.

I’ll let you know where the “The law of conservation of mechanical maladies” strikes next…once I fix the brakes of course, a problem simply must develop elsewhere.

I suspect the lawn mower…since the grass is visibly growing as I watch it…

Daniel Meyer

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Oh hail.

Our neighbor (Hi Babe!) sent us pictures from the storm Tuesday.

I would guess we’ve got some roof damage over this stuff, either at the Old Vic herself or the building on the square (or both).

I’ll know more when I can get on the roof this weekend and take a look.

And this pic from Raine over at Wild Type is hail in our yard…

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Attic Cleanup–and severed ladies’ heads.

Hmmm…another nook…or perhaps a cranny.

That’s an interesting thing about old houses and buildings…they have nooks and crannies all over the place.

Working on the 1860’s building on the square Monday…

Gothic Debatable.

Our 1860's Gothic Debatable building. (this pic not from Monday)

On the commercial building, there is a drop ceiling on the first floor (two actually, but that’s another story). We discovered an access hatch on the mezzanine (kind of a half-floor) that leads to the space between the original ceiling and the first of the dropped ceilings.

I spent several hours Monday morning cleaning it out.

Keep in mind, this “nook” covers an area about 80 feet deep by 25 feet wide.

Remove a panel and “presto!” More junk.

Another nook...or perhaps cranny

Another nook...or perhaps cranny

A view into the depths…

A view into the depths. 80 feet or so in there is the front of the building.

Paperwork. Lots of it.
Paperwork...a lot of paperwork. Basically the 1970s

Basically, I found the 1970’s in paperwork!

Paperwork from 1973

Paperwork from 1973

Did I say paperwork from the 70’s? Well, the 60’s too! Here’s an uncashed check from 1963.

An uncashed check from 1963

An uncashed check from 1963

And let’s not forget the mattress in the attic…because you just never know when you’ll want to take a nap in the attic, yes?

Matress in the attic

And let's not forget the matress...


Everybody needs a box of severed ladies heads

Everybody needs a box of severed ladies heads

Okay, maybe not actual severed heads…but there were more than a dozen of these “wig head” things scattered about, and dozens of scalps…I mean wigs scattered everywhere. EXACTLY the kind of thing that will get your heart going when you are alone in nook of an 1860’s era building crawling through the dust with little light.

Yah know…crawling along…all alone…in the dark…and as you move your hand forward you lightly touch the hair…then sort of shift yourself so you get a little more light and now you can see the hair is on a head…!!!!!!!!


About 8 giant contractors bags full of debris removed from this space.

Daniel Meyer

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Random thought…damn big bulb…

Cleaning up this morning…found a new nook…or maybe it’s a cranny…full of crap…but I guess that’s another story.

Anyway, random thought:

Man, that’s a damn big light-bulb.

That is one great big lightbulb...

One big bulb...

Daniel Meyer

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Dewalt screw…thing.

My friends Dean and Cindy got me this Dewalt electric screwdriver thing for Christmas last year.

I also have a dedicated screw/impact driver for the bigger jobs but it turns out this tool is very robust and lends itself to many jobs. It is quite powerful and a charge lasts for lots of uses (also came with an extra battery).

Verdict is, “I *like* it!”. The handy box ‘o bits is also very cool.

Another tool for the collection!

Dewalt Screwdriver

Dewalt Screwdriver

Daniel Meyer

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