Where’s the damn erase button?

I started this week as a juror on what seemed a fairly mundane case.

The prosecution’s case was very carefully put together. He knew his business. The defense had nothing. There was no reasonable doubt. There was no doubt at all. The verdict was inevitable, and even with our diverse jury, quick and unanimous.

And then the other shoe dropped.

The case was far more than it seemed, as we suspected from the extreme care the prosecution had taken with the case, and we discovered for certain during the sentencing phase.

I ended the week with the images of an innocent bystander murdered…caught in a shootout…in full color/motion and from every angle…burned into my head.

It shook me up far more than I can explain.

Yeah. The jaded, world traveling, burly, biker dude.

And I can’t find the damned erase button.

To the defendant…whom we put away for 85 years…may God have mercy on your soul…if you even have one…because surely I have none for you.

And damn you for making me face that fact.

Ride. I think I need to ride.

But I need to vomit first.

And I really, really need that damned erase button.

Daniel Meyer

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The Weekend Off…

Well, with forcast temperatures in the teens, we decided we wouldn’t be getting much work done this weekend.

Painting? Uh, no. Not only do I not want to be outside, but the paint would be somewhat solidified. We may have lost some paint anyway…since some of it was stored in parts of the house that no-doubtably froze. (durnit)

Plumbing? Nope. Too cold to crawl around under the house.

Wiring? Attics are cold too.

Insulating? Well, maybe. Lord knows it needs to get done. But no. Too durn cold.

Roofing? Oh hell no.

Aside from that, I put in some “hours” this week, and needed some extra sleep.

Heh…yeah, I didn’t stir out of my bed until 11am Saturday. The warm, willing wife lying there with me was some incentive I expect.

Guy’s gotta have a day off every now and again.

This week the UPS fairy brought me a full-body harness and some orange traffic cones. Along with the pads and chocks I made last weekend, those will go in the toolbins on the left-handed fargle-snorker to be used as needed. Or perhaps never to be seen again, but at least I have them.

Of course, as much as I like to play with tools…there is no way in HELL I’m breaking out the left-handed fargle-snorker in temperatures in the teens and twenties…I mean….elevating onesself 40 feet in the air…the twenty degree and 30mph air…seems somewhat masochistic…even for me.

In the mean time though, I thought it prudent to test out the traffic cones.

Yes, the traffic cones.

As most of you know, they are used for marking hazards.

Let me introduce you to…

The most dangerous couch. Ever.

The most dangerous couch. Ever.

The most dangerous couch. Ever.

We’re supposed to have milder temperatures next week…so maybe we’ll get some work done then.

Until that time, y’all take care!



Daniel Meyer

Posted in Pets, Tools | Leave a comment



So, I jumped in the left-handed fargle-snorker and trucked on up to Clarksville on Saturday.

The trip itself is kind of a big deal. It’s an old rig, yet brand new to me, so I’d no experience as to its reliability etc. The gas gauge doesn’t work, and I didn’t even know what kind of mileage to expect. Then there’s the matter of the dealer’s tags and faxed insurance paperwork…all perfectly okay of course, but the kind of thing State Troopers like to hassle you about.

Of course, it’s only 120 mile trip, and I tend to believe I can build a shopping mall with a q-tip (that line is courtesy of Six Days, Seven Nights) so I was sure that anything short of a gear-shattering explosion I could deal with. I mean, no, I didn’t have any q-tips on me but I was carrying some duct-tape and a pair of nail-clippers and I really didn’t need a shopping mall anyway.

120 miles. No problem at all. There’s some quirks. Mentioned above, the gas guage doesn’t work. Neither does the speedometer. The rear end is two-speed, but doesn’t currently shift. That’s electrical in nature I’m sure and is probably an easy fix. For the speedo…I just snagged the wife’s GPS.

She burns no oil. Gets about 10mpg. Started up fine in the 20 degree morning weather. Brakes work fine. She’s a heavy beast. Fun to drive…in that manly testosterone-pumping, tooth-rattling, kidney bouncing sort of way.


I’ll tinker. I like things to work…but none of the “quirks” are going to effect the job I need to do first, so they can wait.

What I DID need however, are some little accessories required when whipping equipment about in a working environment. The truck was pretty well cleaned out when I bought it…not even a stray block of wood or an oily rag remained.

So, off to the spare lumber pile. I made some chocks (two sets). The parking brake works fine, but on this rig, the hydraulics are powered by a PTO on the transmission, so when using the boom the engine needs to be running and the tranny in neutral. If I end up on any sort of incline, I’ll feel better chocking the wheels instead of just depending on the parking brake and outriggers to keep her from rolling away.

I also made a set of two pads for the outriggers to rest on. They are about 2 feet square, and since they are made with three layers of 2×6 lumber, they are something like 5″ thick. I figure they could support a small crane.

These increase the surface area of the outrigger feet and are needed to keep the outriggers from sinking when operating the machine on softer ground. Also, and more to my needs, the wood pads will protect the soft(ish) brick on the historic square from getting scarred up by the steel outrigger feet.

A pair of wheel chocks on the left, and a outrigger pad (2 foot square x 5 inches thick). I made two of each of these.

A pair of wheel chocks on the left, and a outrigger pad (2 foot square x 5 inches thick). I made two of each of these.

A handful of traffic cones would be handy too…but that’s easily fixed. The magic UPS fairy is gonna deliver me some this week.

The holidays and all the family stuff that goes along with them have really cut into my projects…so, next weekend…I’m starting on the mudroom roof (can’t insulate until I fix the roof leak), and then for one day I’ll take the left-handed fargle-snorker up to the square and get a closer look at the damage on the tower. I need to know what materials to get before serious work begins.

Daniel Meyer

Posted in Tools | 1 Comment

Boom goes up. Boom goes down. Boom goes up. Boom goes down…

Playing with the new toy…ur…tool…TOOL today.


Wanted to get used to the boom movement/bounce etc…since I haven’t been on a boom truck since my Llamco Electric days…gad…30ish years ago…and that was a squirt boom instead of a knuckle boom…

Anyway, wanted to test it out and practice a bit before trying to use it up against our building on the historic square in Clarksville or the Old Vic, so out to the family farm we went.

My favorite picture...

My favorite picture...

Flying low (came down to grab the camera). We kept side extension to a minimum today as even though the outriggers were on hard-packed gravel, it’s been REALLY wet. All “way out” extension was done in line with the truck today.

Flying low.

Flying low.

Flying high (about 80 percent up)

Flying high (about 80 percent up)

The wife and my nephew looking pretty small

The wife and my nephew looking pretty small

Decent side view

Decent side view

Well, ready to work. Just have to get started.

Daniel Meyer

Posted in Tools | 3 Comments

Merry Christmas!

Y’all make it a GREAT one!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Posted in Miscellaneous | 1 Comment

Guys. Tools. The left-handed fargle-snorker.

Most of us that have aged beyond our second decade realize something about guys.

They’re guys.

Single minded. Determined. Sweaty. Messy. Passionate. We LIKE blowing stuff up.

Pretty simple creatures. Our lives revolve around just a few things.

1) What’s for breakfast?
2) When can I get laid?
3) (hands shaking) Is there something around here I can friggen FIX? (even if I have to break it first).

The first two are pretty self-explanatory and are closer akin to natural laws or universal constants than particular behaviors…

Yeah, society spent the first 12 years of my education trying to convince me otherwise but it’s like arguing against gravity. We are what we are.

The third one though…it’s actually a little more complicated than that. We are builders. Doers. We’ve just gotta have some project to work on. Delving a little deeper though turns up something interesting.


Yep. Tools.

We get tools so we can do stuff, right?

Heh…yeah. That’s it.

Actually, I think we do stuff so we can get tools.

We LUST after the left-handed fargle-snorker they just came out with. IF ONLY I needed one.

(peers around hopefully)

OOooo! Look! A project! Why, now, durn it, I NEED a left-handed fargle-snorker and am perfectly justified in going out and getting one.

Yep. (scratches self inappropriately).

Meet my new left-handed fargle-snorker:

The elusive left-handed fargle-snorker.

The elusive left-handed fargle-snorker.

Needed it to work on this project:

Ooooo. Tall.

Ooooo. Tall.

And this one:

Slightly less, but still tall.

Slightly less, but still tall.

Now. (burp). Breakfast was good.

When can I get laid?

Daniel Meyer

Posted in Tools | 7 Comments

Big day…

Big day tomorrow.

I’m writing a “heap-big-check”…

Well, big at least, when compared to the monthly cable bill or something LOL!

We’re closing on this tomorrow…

New Headquarters

New Headquarters

Some More Pics

This has vast implications on my writing/books/etc.

Among other things…(art studio, coffee shop, Internet cafe)…it is the new world-wide headquarters for Stormrider Press!

Daniel Meyer

Posted in On the Square | 4 Comments

Last minute shopping?

Those of you following along probably realize by now that I need to purchase about 2.3 million dollars worth of stuff from Home Depot for the Old Vic project…

Heh…and THAT’S just for the stuff I need to finish this year!

You also may recall I’m an author.

Life is a Road, The Soul is a MotorcycleLife is a Road, Get On it and Ride!Life is a Road, Ride it HardLife is a Road, It's About the RideLife is a Road, Volume One

Want to help me help support the booming home improvement business all while finishing up your last minute Christmas shopping?

Life Is a Road books make an excellent Christmas present for the adventurer in your life. Especially autographed sets!

Get that last minute shopping done now! And hey, they’re made, written, and printed in the USA!

You can order the books anywhere (Amazon.com/Lulu/etc) but the autographed ones you can only get from me.

If you want them by Christmas, with standard shipping you must order before noon on Monday, December 14. If you upgrade to Priority mail you can order as late as noon, Wednesday, December 16.

Later than that will not ship till Monday the 21st and those will not reach you by Christmas.

You can order directly from me at this link.

I hope y’all have a Happy and safe (or at least fun!) Christmas.

Daniel Meyer

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Pierre…the Polydactyl, Maine Coon, Hemingway cat…

I got an early birthday present…

When I got home from work yesterday the wife wasn’t home. I said, “Hey” to Geronimo the caffineted kitten (who was passed out on the couch) and went about my business.

Thus, I was…just a bit…surprised when an additional and fairly large cat stuck his head through the door and said hello at me.

Meet Pierre…the Maine Coon. He’s about 4 years old and 15 pounds or so. Very sweet. Very well behaved.

Pierre, precariously perched, pondering his predicament.

Pierre, precariously perched, pondering his predicament.

His story is a sad one. He was abandoned by his owners when they moved out of their apartment. The manager kept him a couple weeks, sure that they would come back for him, but alas, they did not. Jerks. After a few weeks the manager took him to the shelter where my Mom, conspiring with my wife of course, rescued him to help fill the space left in our household by the loss of Casper, our previous Maine Coon.

With the caffinated kitten, we are now up to our full compliment of cats. That should last us for 15 years or so.

Mantle cat.

Mantle cat.

Relaxing after work

Comfortable cat

Comfortable cat

Now, take a good look at his feet…

Seven toes!

Seven toes!

He’s got seven toes on his front feet! Six on his back ones. This makes him a Hemingway Cat! Also known as a Polydactyl Cat. This trait is more common in Maine Coons in general, and with their strength and large frame and muscle structure, makes them very sure footed.

Anyway, a cool cat! Smiles are already spreading about the household…

Daniel Meyer

Posted in Pets | 3 Comments

Bucket Truck (left-handed Fargle-snorker)

Bucket truck…also known as the left-handed Fargle-snorker

Sigh. I know. “Boys and their toys.”

Needs some work. Tall, yes?

Needs some work. Tall, yes?

Also tall, yes? Also needs some work. Also old.

Also tall, yes? Also needs some work. Also old.

My new ladder. Old. Tall. Needs some work. See, it matches!

My new ladder. Old. Tall. Needs some work. See, it matches!

My 1981 Ford F-600 Bucket truck

My 1981 Ford F-600 Bucket truck

That's a 36 foot boom (platform height)

That's a 36 foot boom (platform height)

No nonsense interior.

No nonsense interior.

For what I paid I figure I can use it for what I need to get done now, and if it seems I’ve little use for it later, can still sell it and get my money back out of it.

More pictures later.

Daniel Meyer

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