
Three days of this…gad…there was work to do…weather to get out in…a superbowl to watch…people to see and code to fry…and here I sit, so sore (lower back, ribs, diaphragm) from coughing that I can hardly walk.

I called in sick Friday…probably have missed 10 days in 27 years now…pretty good record but not really something to strive for (it has bought me nothing).

Funny…the sick day comes out of my sick pay…but they closed the office Friday due to the weather…that means non-essential folks that didn’t make it in get paid the day anyway.


I think I’m on the upside of it now…tomorrow should be a better day!

Daniel Meyer

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Gorgeous Old Lady…

Even with all the issues…all the work needed, the peeling paint, occasional spots of rot, the leaky windows…heck, even her plain white dress…(she’s supposed to be a painted lady)…

Even with all that…she’s still a gorgeous old lady…

The Old Vic, playing in the snow…

(yes, I’m passionate about our house…why be otherwise?)

The Old Vic (the Doak House) in the snow, 2011

She's a gorgeous old lady...

The Old Vic (the Doak House) in the snow, 2011

Not just your ordinary house

The Old Vic (the Doak House) in the snow, 2011

That look...that's a gentle reminder of why we are doing this.

Thanks to my friend Raine over at Wild-Type for the pics.

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Economic Reality

I struggle to achieve great…or at least interesting things. Life is so much, well, more…that way.

Surviving I’ve got covered. I could handle surviving since I was about 12 years old.

Living is what I’m after. Building. Doing. Dreaming. Achieving.

Doing so often puts me near the edge. Unfortunately when playing near the edge it’s pretty easy to get knocked off.

I plan for that…treading the edge is best done with good preparation and reserves for things that don’t go my way…

But I can’t plan for everything or simply put, I’d accomplish nothing. Many folks spend all their lives planning.

But no matter how good at planning I am (or not), there are things out of my realm of influence. They can knock me off the edge too.

It’s never just one thing…it’s usually three…one I can handle, two I can juggle…and if the third comes along before I manage the other two, I can get knocked for a loop.

And the third thing has come.

Throttling back…cutting costs…holding ground, and hoping it will be enough. I’m disappointed. I want things to move faster, yet I’m going to have to slow them down.

As icing on the cake, as part of dealing with it, I know I’ve let down family…and I’ve probably let down a friend.

Project wise, it’s going to set us back a year or so. That’ll be okay, it’s a long term project and when we can’t work, it’s still a peaceful place to rest, recuperate, and write.

I’d blame my job…but that’s actually against company policy nowadays and I’m the one that keeps working at it, some 26 years or so now…so who’s really to blame after-all?

It’s gonna be a difficult year.

Of course…”difficult” often makes things “interesting”…and the dreaming hasn’t stopped.

Keep watching. Interesting things are afoot…

(or buy a couple thousand books for you and your friends…that’ll help!)

Daniel Meyer

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Well…how do you like it?

I have just finished with the redesigned site…the short of it is that it is now MUCH easier for me to post articles and pictures, and just as important, it’s easy for me to organize it.

The result for me is more time to work on the house, and more time to write articles and take pictures.

The end result for you, my faithful readers, will be more articles, information, and pictures. The old site was difficult to get everything hooked up right, and I found myself “reluctant” to start a new or complicated post or article. That was a big clue.

The new site has taken care of all that and should serve well.

Articles are organized into topics (under the “articles” pull down menu), or you can read them all in the order they were posted by looking under the “All Articles” topic.

Please feel free to post comments, ask questions, suggest topics, etc. You can post comments on articles or pictures, AND there is a contact form in the menus above if you would like to email us.

What do you think?

Daniel Meyer

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The Death Knell for Energy Conservation

It comes down to simple math.

We purchased our building on the square with the intent of taking our time renovating it (as money allows) and eventually ramping it up into our business.

Accordingly, we wanted to keep the utilities and other expenses as low as practical so we have more money to apply where it’s needed.

We spent a fair amount of time reducing unneeded electrical loads, shutting off extra lights, converting others to fluorescent, killing the electric water heater, etc to save electricity.

We managed to cut the usage by 10%.

That almost tripled our bill.

Let me repeat that. By cutting our usage by 10% we almost tripled our bill.

The going rate for small commercial users right now in Texas is 6 cents a kilowatt hour. The “overhead”…which covers equipment and line maintenance is a separate charge (calculated, as best as we can tell, by magic).

However, Texas law allows “competition” for electrical providers…that is to say…the law prohibits me from buying from the generator operators and requires a bunch of middle men to be in the…well…middle.

The “competition” is supposed to keep the rates low.

The problem is…there is no rule that they have to treat all customers the same…charge them the same rate etc…basically, if you are a small user they don’t want to deal with you…and they can charge you whatever they want.

So…we dropped our consumption from an average of 500 kwh/month…

500 kwh @ 6 cents/kwh = $30

…to an average of 450 kwh/month. A “pricing tier” kicked in on our next contract renewal.

450 kwh @ 18 cents/kwh = $81

Yep, my bill went up over $50/month when I cut my usage.

Essentially, I can use 1350 kwh per month for the same price.

1350 kwh @ 6 cents/kwh = $81

I like lights. Use more, it costs less.

What do you think I’m going to do?

no conservation zone

No conservation zone

Daniel Meyer

(note: We also suffered a 30% penalty on our house for the same reason…we are still “negotiating” rates and contracts on both buildings at this point)

Posted in Electrical | 2 Comments

Eclipsed Yule Moon

The last cosmic triple play of a full moon at total eclipse on Winter Solstice occurred 372 years ago on Dec. 21, 1638. The next one won’t occur until the end of this century in 2094, well after this writer has turned to dust.

Clear skies and near pristine air quality in this neck of the woods gave us a perfect view of this magnificent lunar eclipse as seen below from the back yard at the Doak House around 12:20:

Winter Solstice Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 2010

Winter Solstice Full Lunar Eclipse at the Doak House

We’re hoping the Doak House will be around to witness the next one…

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The name on the door…

Our building on the square…which dates from sometime in the late 1800’s, was doctors’ offices upstairs, and a pharmacy and soda fountain downstairs. Near as we can tell, it has always been so, until sometime in the 1940’s when the offices upstairs were abandoned and just used for storage (we arrive at that date by the dates of various papers/etc that were stored up there).

Think about that…a pharmacy continually in business at that location for over 100 years.

A couple areas upstairs were briefly used after 1940…we know the “pool room” with the 1960’s pool table, Naugahyde and stud upholstered furniture etc was some sort of VERY interesting place…and there was an attempt at an antique store up there a few years back…but for the most part it’s simply been collecting junk.

Our historic building on the Clarksville Square

Our historic building on the Clarksville Square...a work in progress.

An interesting note is that we found a “Century of business” trophy issued to Blackmon Pharmacy in 1966…which indicates the building was built in 1866…which is a bit earlier than I expected, but easily probable…as Clarksville was founded in 1833.

The Blackmon Pharmacy. 100 years in business in 1966.

The Blackmon Pharmacy. 100 years in business in 1966.

The Blackmon Pharmacy. 100 years in business in 1966.

It’s sort of humbling…rather an odd feeling…to own a building that was likely standing (and doing business) at the end of the Civil War.

While it’s easily possible that it was built later, there are elements to the building…”old west stuff”, things like the type of mortar and bricks, and hand wrought square nails) that indicate it could not be much later. Certainly earlier than 1900. It is definitely older than the Old Vic.

The soda fountain ceased in the 1970’s sometime we think (locals still remember and may correct us on this) but the Pharmacy continued until October, 2009, when they moved to a new building (with a drive through). So, yeah, Blackmons is still in business…some 140 years now.

Anyway, we are busy cleaning out the 60 years of stuff (and dust) that accumulated upstairs. Mostly junk that nobody knew what to do with…probably close to a thousand pounds of pigeon crap…but some interesting stuff nonetheless.

So…the name on the door…

Here’s one of the doors. The door dates to the construction of the upstairs offices…the name? Well, I’m not sure when it dates from.

Dr. G.E. Crosthwaite, Dentist

Dr. G.E. Crosthwaite, Dentist. The door dates from the late 1800's. Not sure about the name.

A quick search on the ‘net says there’s a Dr. G.E. Crosthwaite III DDS that’s a practicing dentist for 40-some years, currently located in Sherman, Texas…which is just under 100 miles due west of here.

I wonder if he’s any relation? The timing sort of lines up…

Daniel Meyer

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Energy Star

Energy Star “Certification”.

Meaningful rating system or more corporate/government marketing BS?

Meaningful rating or marketing BS?

Meaningful rating or marketing BS?

So…there’s a saga of the light fixture on the back of the Old Vic. It covers the driveway so what I wanted was a dusk-till dawn floodlight. Since they now make CFL floodlights, I figured that was plenty of light for the purpose, and economical too.

Bought same. Took back defective fixture (missing parts). Replaced. Installed. Removed. Took back defective fixture (photocell didn’t work, closer examination showed it was cracked). Replaced. Removed. Took back defective fixture (bad wiring in one socket). Bought *different* fixture. Installed. Removed (photocell would not shut off lights even in full sun).

I then went on a hunt for a decent fixture. What I found was all the “dusk till dawn” and “motion activated” lights sold in our big box stores have such crappy photocells and motion detectors installed, that they cannot use CFL bulbs. They MUST use incandescent bulbs. Many of them are packaged with two, 120 watt floodlights. They explicitly say on the package, “No CFL’s”.

Why should this bother me? Well, simply because all these fixtures are Energy Star Certified.

What the heck? They are more efficient than…what? The sun?

How can a 500-watt capable fixture that is equipped with 240 watts of incandescent bulbs and CANNOT use efficient bulbs earn an Energy Star certification?

They DO make photo-cells and motion sensors that don’t need an incandescent load to operate…they have for decades…they just cost a few cents more.

The solution for my problem was to purchase a standard two socket flood fixture and add a commercial grade photocell (about $10) to it, then install the bulbs I wanted. Works great, provides the light I want, where I want it, for an economical price.

But what’s with the Energy Star? We’re supposed to be able to count on the fact that any appliance/etc that displays the logo is more efficient than most. Instead it looks like the rating is simply for sale to whoever needs it to market their stuff.

My fixture is not really “period appropriate”, but I didn’t really want to have to light torches every night and they make me nervous when it’s windy anyway so this will have to do for now. (haven’t found anything I like that serves the function yet…may have to drag out my artistic side and some wrought iron eventually).

Not period Appropriate, but you'll hardly notice it once the wall is painted.

Not period Appropriate, but you'll hardly notice it once the wall is painted.

Daniel Meyer

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Chop chop!

Ever wonder about the construction of a 70’s era pool table?

A late 60's pool table, covered in pigeon crap and in a pile in our historic building on the square...chop chop!

A late 60's pool table, covered in pigeon crap and in a pile in our historic building on the square...chop chop!

We hit the 60's (the year) behind the pool table.

We hit the 60's (the year) behind the pool table.

We cut up the pool table and another crappy (heh) display…in order to more easily get them down the stairs and out of our building. These were not in any way salvageable, made of plywood, particle board, and cheap paneling, then set to marinate in pigeon crap for a couple decades or so (or longer, the magazines and such we are finding at this level date from the 50’s and 60’s)!

Warped, chewed, and covered in excrement…they are out of here. I cut the pool table up into 4 pieces (in addition to the two leg sections) for ease of getting them down the stairs and later disposal.

Magazines and such in this room are from late 50’s and 1960.

We figure we moved a couple thousand pounds down the stairs.

Still have a ways to go though.

Daniel Meyer

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Dirty Jobs…

Well, Mike Rowe isn’t returning my calls, so it looks like it’s up to me and the wife.

With the Christmas season and its accompanying spending and other madness (oh, and let us not forget “property tax” season), we need a project or two that is decidedly “low-impact” on the budget.

At the same time, for our own sanity we need a project that shows that we’ve made a difference. Months of plumbing and electrical doesn’t yield anything dramatic we can point to and say, “Hey, look at that!”

So, a high (visual) impact, low cost project, that still benefits us and moves us forward in some way.

Hmmmm. Clean-up is one of those kind of things. And we’ve got a LOT of that to do.

Methinks…”The Pigeon Room” in our historic building on the square is on the agenda this weekend.

(more about that building here)

To give us added incentive to make a visual impact, here’s a couple before pictures:

The pigeon room...what a mess.

The pigeon room...what a mess! That's a late 60's era particle board pool table on it's side there.

Pigeon room.

There is a LARGE amount of trash and debris here to remove.

Muhahahahahahaha! Methinks I get to hack up a pool table with a saw-zall!

I’ll post the “after” pictures next week…with any luck and a bit of hard work…they’ll even look different!

Daniel Meyer

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