Rain Dance?

Sooo…I needed to fix the downspout on my building and rolled out the fargle-snorker Saturday morning.

Felt kind of silly to work on a rain downspout. I mean, is it *ever* going to rain again?

Had a short window to get it done as I wasn’t quite up to getting up before the crack of dawn, and by 11am it would be too hot to work in the direct sun.

Below, you can see the facade on the red building is shifting outward. Note the crack at the back and then near my building (blue building) it is pushing the downspout pipe away from the building:

The facade has shifted on the red building, pushing my downspout off.

This is the other end of the red building’s facade, where it comes close to my building. Note the outward shift pushing the downspout away.

The view of the facade shift from the other end

A closeup showing the shift. The paint mark from when my building was painted (long ago…don’t know exactly when) shows that it has taken a while to get to this point.

A closer view

This is looking down at the red buildings roof flashing and facade right were it connects to my building, clearly showing how much it has shifted since this roof was installed.

Where their roof flashing and facade connect, showing the shift away from my building


I cut a piece of flashing long enough to wrap around the pipe one and a quarter times, coiled it up, and inserted it into the downspout. I then let it uncoil inside the downspout, and pulled it up onto the drain for a firm fit.

Fixing the downspout...

I then zapped a couple sheet-metal screws in…

Zap a screw or two in

Another screw or two, holds the flashing insert into the downspout…it is not connected to the roof drain, as when or if the facade shifts or falls off the building below, it will take the pipe out but not rip my drain off the side of the building.

Connecting the pipe to the flashing...

The new flashing "collar" in place.

I then shoved $20 worth of spray foam into this crack to seal between the buildings where the flashing cannot. Didn’t get a pic with the foam yet. Next week I’ll make sure it was enough foam, then I’ll add some flashing over the foam on the roof side to keep the sun from decaying it over time.

I filled this crack with spray foam...

We had to quit about then, as the intense sun and high temps were making everything metal way too hot to touch…the standpipe, the flashings, the truck, and tools. Just leaning on a flashing would burn me through my t-shirt. We went to 107 this day. Youch!

The reward for all that work…rain! This was the next morning. Apparently working on a downspout in the intense heat is something like a rain-dance…blessedly without me even having to get naked!

This, was the reward!

None of this is really going to help the little red building with its water problem…as its roof has a low spot right before the edge that collects water…this spot is probably 20 feet across. Pretty much any water the hits the section of roof is going inside the building through the screwholes, seams, and of course…the big nasty rust holes.

None of this helps the red building...as it has a holy roof.

I would love to see this little red building saved…it’ll make a great shop of some sort…even a barbers shop or a hole-in-the wall tamale place. Perhaps an art workshop even…but it needs a new roof and the facade reinforced…and soon…

Rust holes...

Lots more to do…but every bit that moves us forward helps. I really need to pull that roof drain and enlarge the hole through the wall to the roof, and probably add another drain or two. There is simply not enough drainage on that roof…

I have no leaks under light rain, but have several with very heavy rain, most likely because the rain is filling up on the roof…as it gets deeper any little imperfection becomes a leak.

Anyway…more later. Thanks to my friend Mike for the assistance and shooting some pics!

Daniel Meyer

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Fargle-snorker’s got a job…

Y’all may remember my philosophy that if ya own tall stuff ya ought to own the tools (or know somebody that does) to work on it?

The Left-handed Fargle-snorker is a result of that tendency…

Got a job for the fargle-snorker this weekend.

Turns out I’ll have need of it this weekend.

Our building on the square is backed up by a smaller building. That building has shifted away and it’s facade is tilting outward a bit.

The gutter drain pipe is loose from the roof drain.

That has pushed the gutter pipe off the drain on my building and (if we EVER get any rain again) the water from that hits right in the crack from the building shifting…and that all goes inside.

This would be really annoying to get too without a bucket...

I can’t re-attach the pipe, as it is now too short due to being pushed away by the other building’s tilting facade, but I can add a piece with flashing and sheet metal screws to bridge the gap.

I'll have to insert a piece...this is a tin pipe so I can do it with flashing and sheet metal screws

I’ll have the Left-handed Fargle-snorker out Saturday to do that. Maybe I’ll be able to see what’s going on with the shifting of my neighbor’s facade…basically whether this is a long term shift, or if there is something dangerous and structural going on.

The neighbor's facade is tilting outward and has pushed the pipe away.

The crack needs to be sealed, as any water in there MUST go into either his or my building, and if it freezes in the wall it will damage things as well.

The red building has shifted up there.

I’ll get the pipe fixed this weekend, and see what the crack looks like. The crack/shift is really not my responsibility but if there’s something easy I can do to prevent damage to my building as well as his I’ll try to do it.

Close up of the shift, it's also tilting outward.

Should have some interesting pictures next weekend! Of course…it’s supposed to be well over 100 still/again so I may not have much time to get it done.

When the tools are too hot to hold ya gotta give it up and work inside.

Daniel Meyer

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We are having a serious drought…or as us native Texans that have been around a while call it, “A hot summer.”

Going on 50 days over 100 degrees (40-some of those consecutive) and no meaningful rain. The combination is tough on the plants.

The peaches dried up on the tree:

Peaches in the drought.

Peaches cooked...right on the tree.

The leaves are falling off the trees in town, like it’s deep fall. The pecan tree has dropped all its pecans long before they were ready, and the grass is long dead…

Except this spot:

THIS...is where we bury the bodies...

Green and happy and carefree…this spot of grass is living the good life.

I’ve no water lines in the area, and supposedly the city water line is on the other side of the street…perhaps it’s something leaking under the street and coming out here, but the soil is dry.

Must be where we hide all the bodies!

Daniel Meyer

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Hot work…

Replaced bad siding on my Mom’s and stepdad’s house this weekend. It had rotted on the ends and curled away from the house. (there’s some “before” pics around somewhere).

Hot work, but we had a reprieve Saturday with overcast clouds so we managed to get it done just before bursting into flames…

There’s another dormer to do on the front of the house, but this one was more serious and would have led to water leaks in the house if we ever get any rain again.

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New roof…

Well, not my new roof (drat).

New roof on my Mom and Mike’s place. Hard to believe the roofing crew made such short work of it in this heat.

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Trimming the Hedge…

My Mom and step-dad Mike just bought a 1920’s farm house. It hasn’t been lived in for so long that there were 35 foot/more trees growing out of the bush-beds and damaging and growing around the eaves of the house.

Heck of a hedge. Mike and I did some trimming this weekend. Mimosa and Hackberry, poison ivy and black-walnut…some removed, some trimmed back.

The West Side

The west side before trimming

The west side after trimming

Another view of the west side after trimming

The East Side

The East side before trimming

The east side after trimming

The back

The back before trimming

The back after trimming

The Front

The front, just so you can see it...

With temps over 100 degrees, we didn’t last very long…knocking off early both Saturday and Sunday, but we did get a fair amount done! We moved several thousand pounds of branches and stuff.

More later! The interior cleanup has been just as dramatic!

Daniel Meyer

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Saturday night on the square!

Some good music coming up on the square.

Come on out. Saturday July 9 at 8:00pm.

Erica James is going to shake up the stage!

Erica James is coming to shake up the stage on the Clarksville square

Erica James

All the info you need is here.

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Attic find…

Well…drat…I guess I gotta keep my desk job for a little while longer…

Daniel Meyer

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Fargle-snorker Brakes…an update!

Full power (brakeage) restored!

Sometimes all it takes is pigheaded stubbornness (“I *WILL* fix these friggen brakes if I have to END the universe trying!”)

And parts. Needs parts.

Okay, well, sometimes all it takes is pigheaded stubbornness, a maniacal willingness to *end* creation, and a fistful of cash.

It’s all connected though.

Original problem (last year): Front right wheel cylinders.
Next problem (this year): Front LEFT wheel cylinders (not unexpected).
Next, vacuum brake booster. Big honking thing under the truck that manifested the error in its ways by letting air into the hydraulic side and brake fluid into the vacuum side. EPIC cloud of white smoke!

Aaaand of course said booster was held on with a dog chain so I had to remount the new one correctly (parts is parts!)

Had to get a couple specialized grade 8 bolts, and one stud/bolt combo for mounting the tail of the booster…it weighs in at over 60 pounds so was … difficult … to hold up and install bolts…

When hooking it up…
Very large vacuum line disintegrated in my hand. Replaced segment between booster and check valve.

Noticed vacuum line had been cut/reattached to engine and was now too short, so had kinked at engine.

Replaced segment between engine and check valve. (New 12 feet of vacuum line total!)

Broke said check valve getting old crumbly vacuum line off.

Replaced said check valve. Auto parts guy says (as I hand him the check valve on my fifth trip for odd parts), “Now you’re just testing me!”

Figured out intake side of air for booster (another hose that goes up behind drivers seat) has no filter on it. Find one that will work. (“I have not *begun* to test you!”)

Bleed bleed bleed bleed bleed (one extra as there is a bleeder on the booster itself).

WaaLAA! Brakes! Good brakes! Power brakes even! Brakes that stop this 17,000 pound beast in an actual straight line! WEEEEEEE!

It DOES make it ever so much easier to deploy the bucket on needed work when you can ACTUALLY stop the truck at the jobsite.

It’s the little things that are luxuries.

Hark! Onward to the next universe endangering project!


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PSA: Never poke the upside down sleeping cat in the belly and say “Boo!”…especially if said sleeping cat has 26 toes, each equipped with a razor sharp claw.


To be fair to Pierre, I scared the hell out him.
To be fair to me, I’m not usually seized by moments of sheer idiocy…I thought he was awake and watching me (crazy cat sometimes sleeps with his eyes open).

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