To sleep, perchance to dream…

We (kind of, sort of) took this weekend off.

Several things conspired. Lots of work at…well…work, not enough sleep (due to same), and also we got the wife’s car back from the body shop. All the extra running around simply added up to the fact that we weren’t ready to go Friday night or Saturday morning.

Then, as we were getting ready to go I got the call…one of the newspapers I help support had lost power. Work again.

Oh, and then there was the 100+ degree forecast for the weekend…

All this said, “Take the weekend off! Sleep late!”

Sleep late…a luxury I seldom indulge. Sounded really good to me.

To sleep, perchance to dream, ay…there’s the rub.

That’s Shakespeare, in case you didn’t recognize it.

So what did I dream of? Scraping paint. Broken paint sprayers, a yard I need to mow, and a mammoth pile of tree limbs I need to cut up. I haven’t worked that hard in months!

Sleeping late is exhausting work. I think I woke up sore!

Daniel Meyer

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Didn’t get all that much done this weekend…we chose to relax most of Saturday. Ate nice meals. Drove around and looked at property. Talked. Solved all the worlds problems at one time or another.

Sunday, we trimmed some trees and did the final prep on the sunroom for paint. “Trimmed some trees” is actually harder work than it sounds…didn’t even get to all that need it…and still ended up with a metric ass-load of limbs to drag around and cut up/burn. For the curious…a “metric ass-load” is the equivilent of two American shit-tons. Anyway, that’s another story involving sharp whirring things and fire…and perhaps prefaced by the statement, “Hey y’all, watch this!” so I’ll save that for another time.

Anyway, Monday…I was going to paint the sunroom before we came home. Since I really expected to get this room done…oh…say…last friggen August…I was looking forward to finally spraying the primer.

Loaded up the Wagner Paint Crew plus with a very good quality primer, did a final clean and mask of the room, fired everything up, and viola…no paint.

The unit will not come out of prime mode. While IN prime mode the pump runs and returns paint via the return hose to the tank. When I put it in spray mode it continues to do the same. Sigh.

The troubleshooting guide for the unit lists several things and the fix…except on this one it says, “return unit to an authorized Wagner repair center”.

Great. And I followed…meticioulsy…the cleanup and storage instructions. There’s no reason it shouldn’t work…but it doesn’t. Looking at how it seems to work…and how the prime/spray valve “feels”…I expect there’s a bit missing from the cleanup/storage directions…namely don’t leave that valve on “prime” for long term storage.

Any repair at the “Wagner Authorized repair center” would cost as much as I paid for the unit I expect…so I guess I’m going to attack this mystery part myself (the prime/spray valve) and see what I can see. I mean, what’s the worst that can happen? Pestilence? Famine? Dogs and cats sleeping together?

Oh, and of course it’s out of warranty. I have sprayed perhaps 3 gallons of paint with it.

Intensely frustrating. I don’t need tools that fail unexpectedly with little use/wear and this one is supposedly aimed/marketed at just my market/level of use…

Even more frustrating as I was VERY pleased with how this machine performed when I used it before. It made a very difficult painting job a snap…and since I have several more “very” difficult paint jobs to get to…I really need it to simply and without any drama…just work.

I’ll abscound with the wife’s dining room table tonight and take this sucker apart. I’ll keep you posted!

Oh…and a lesson learned…when starting up a airless rig that’s been sitting a bit…try water first (if spraying water-based paints). That way, if it doesn’t work or needs some repair, you don’t have any serious cleanup to do.

Me? I had as much cleanup to do as if I had painted the entire room.

At least the fact that it was full of expensive and messy white primer kept me from kicking it’s sorry ass clear across the yard…

Daniel Meyer

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Memorial Day

Note: I’m reposting this from 2006…because I can’t figure out a way to say it better.

A moment of silence to ponder. A moment of awe as I again understand just what they have given . . . and why.

This world that we have forged . . .

Today I will celebrate by living out loud. I will leave my home . . . the property that my work and toil . . . and the sacrifices of those that defend this country . . . allow me to own. I will drive somewhere I want to, without asking anyone’s approval or getting permission to travel, to do something that’s not the slightest bit necessary and has absolutely no benefit to the state (not, by a government’s definition, productive).

I will do this because I want to. I will do this because I can. I will do this because over a long and colorful history my countrymen have stood to the mark, fought, and died to make sure that I could.

They died to make sure I could live . . . not merely survive . . . not just get by . . . not to serve the needs of the state . . . but live.

How could I do any less?

Thanks, and Godspeed.

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Duct tape and bungee cords

Alternate title…”Crunch 3″

The alternate title…the alert reader might think, implies there might be a Crunch 1 and a Crunch 2. Heh. Yep.

Well, the wife and I shortened Da Altima about two or three inches last weekend. Not that we thought it was too long to begin with or anything…

Oh, and, “No.” for those of you I just *know* are asking…power tools were NOT involved…and nobody said anything remotely related to, “Hey ya’ll, watch this!”

Approaching a green light, some left turning traffic ahead slowed things up rapidly and cars stopped short. We got stopped, the car behind us didn’t. It was a fairly substantial *smack* but not what I would call serious.

Good news is, nobody’s hurt. Not us, not the other driver (Hi Charlie!).

Not even a twinge the next day. In my world, that makes it, “Life is good.”

On to the pics!

Crunchbird...da Nissan

Sprung the trunk. The trunk pan is bent, not sure about the lid itself. A handy bungee cord got us home.

Not sure what's underneath...there are some crushed foam things and such under there.

Not sure what's underneath...there are some crushed foam things and such under there.

The left taillight is ruined…all the attachment points broke off. Duct tape does a good temporary job, and even matches the paint! Not sure about the right taillight.

Bad left tailight.

Bad left tailight.

The bumper took a big hit…this is a plastic cover that has mostly come loose. I’ve no idea what is damaged underneath it.

Sprung Bumper

Sprung Bumper

We’re actually rather embarrassed that Da Altima took so much damage…the other car has barely a mark. I suppose it would be bad form to have steel pipe bumpers on Da Altima anyway…even in Texas.

The other insurance company has accepted liability. Da Altima goes in for some poking and prodding about her nether regions on Thursday. We should have an estimate shortly thereafter.

We’re hoping it’s fixable…Da Altima has been a great car and is comfortable and very usable. It gets good mileage, we’ve just barely broken it in anyway (under 80,000 miles), and we’re just not ready to buy another vehicle just yet.

It SHOULD be fixable…the damage doesn’t look that bad and the car is still worth ~$10k on the blue-book…but I’ve seen these things add up to something stupid before.


Da Altima got poked and prodded on Thursday to the tune of about $2300. We turned her over to Service King to get straightened out.

Insurance/Enterprise provided a car for us…it’s a Jeep…thing. Not a Jeep, Jeep…but a Jeep SUV…for little tiny short people…or maybe it’s a tall, fat, short station wagon.

Anyway, nothing overtly wrong with it…but it is surprising that Da Altima has more room for passengers AND cargo (AND gets better mileage).

The jeep...thing...

The jeep...thing...

Also…it doesn’t have a cruise control…which is annoying for long trips.

Oh…’nuther update…
Service King emailed that they found more damage on disassembly (we knew they would…this *always* happens…it’s like a formula romance novel or a game or something…

The trunk lid/deck needs replaced as it is bent, and is aluminum and can’t be fixed. The rear taillight pan is also going to be replaced. The insurance adjuster has already approved the additional parts/work. It doubled the price. I don’t think it should cost that much…but it’s their game and I’m not allowed to play.

If I had to guess we won’t get it back this week.

Daniel Meyer

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Artfest Fun!

The 2010 Clarksville Fine Arts Festival was a blast!

Lots of food, great music, and pretty good weather made for a fun day. Lots of high-caliber artists with quality wares made for a “target-rich” environment for the discerning collector.

I sold some books, made some friends, and generally mucked about having a good time.

2010 Clarksville Fine Arts Festival

2010 Clarksville Fine Arts Festival..view from our building

2010 Clarksville Fine Arts Festival

2010 Clarksville Fine Arts Festival

2010 Clarksville Fine Arts Festival

Pretty neat bbq

Krashdragon came all the way out from Cleburne to pick up a book! THANKS for coming out! It was great to meet ya!

I expect to see the rest of ya’ll for next years festival!

Daniel Meyer

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The 2010 Clarksville Fine Arts Festival

I expect to see y’all there!

This year the 2010 Clarksville Fine Arts Festival will be Saturday, May 22, 2010, from 9:AM to 4:PM on the historic square in Clarksville, Texas.

This year’s festival is going to be a great one. The artists’ booths are all reserved! There will be glass blowing demonstrations, music, wood turning demonstrations, plenty of food, and a full house of talented artists to meet!

I’ll be there signing books and will also have original art and some prints.

Art. Music. Food. Fun. What else could you need? Come on by and see me!

The 2010 Clarksville Fine Arts Festival

The 2010 Clarksville Fine Arts Festival

We’ll have a house full of guests, be mucking about the square all day Saturday, and we’ll be at the Wine and Cheese event Friday night as well.

Come see us. You’ll have a great time!

Directions and more information are here.

Daniel Meyer

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Oy! What’s with the house?

Some of you may be wondering…why no recent posts strictly about the house?

Well…remember the one about scraping paint?

Yeah, we’re still there. We’ve done some other things…the standard yard work, cleanup (this weekend was our town’s big cleanup week, which meant we could take some things to the city yard for disposal), and I’m certain we’ve re-glazed at least one window pane.

But…The 2010 Clarksville Fine Arts Festival is coming up (and I expect to see y’all there), and that meant several things.

1) We are going to have a houseful of guests. That means getting at least a couple of the rooms of the house marginally habitable, right? After-all, we can’t really expect our guests to scrape paint, vacuum the room, and find a bed to set up…or can we? Hmmmm….
2) We wanted to finish the siding on the tower of our building on the square…at least for the most part. Since the courthouse is actually not in the the square’s center, that leaves our tower as a focal point…and it looked terrible. Now it looks better!

Anyway, haven’t posted much about the work on the house at this moment simply because even though it’s going on…none of it really yielded interesting articles and pictures.

We’re almost done scraping the sun-room. It looks truly cancerous now. I can’t wait to actually prime it. THEN you’ll have some pictures!

Daniel Meyer

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Done enough for now…

Alternate title: “A Tale of One of Two Towers” or “How to Use a Chop-saw from a Bucket-truck…”

In last week’s exciting episode, we did a bit of work on the tower. This week we moved it even further along.

Our scaling project is nearly complete. I’ve still got a lot of trim to do, the area around the windows to work on, and primer and paint, but I’ve got enough done for the moment.

The tower was looking rather dilapidated and that was imparting an “attitude” to the entire square. I didn’t like that.

My immediate objectives were to make the place look a lot better and to stop things from falling off the building.

We have accomplished that and so much more.

Sooo…off to the pictures!

Oh…a bit of a story on this one…see, my wife is not quite ready to run the saws yet. She’s never done that sort of thing (I grew up with it), and with nice, sharp, flesh-rending equipment it is important that you do it right.

I’ll teach her…when she’s ready…but she’s not asked me to yet.

Anyway, what do you do when every shingle left to mount needs a cut and there’s nobody handy to run the saw?

Well, I set the saw up in the window so I could reach it from the bucket truck

Well, I set the saw up in the window so I could reach it from the bucket truck

This worked out well…the wife still providing the blanks and running other parts and materials for me, but I could make the cuts without exiting the bucket.

A couple hours of work or so...whilst I'm 'up there'.

A couple hours of work or so...whilst I'm 'up there'.

Occasionally coming back down to make a mess:

Occasionally coming back down to make a mess:

And the shingles are done!

And the shingles are done!

The obligatory 'this thing is really tall' shot

The obligatory 'this thing is really tall' shot

The 'distance' shot

The 'distance' shot

I was careful to catch most of the junk that came off the tower and put it in a five gallon bucket (okay, LOTS of 5-gallon buckets), but there was a LOT of material and some got away. We were left with a mess on the awning.

Stuff on the awning

Stuff on the awning

MORE stuff on the awning

MORE stuff on the awning

So…time to clean up the awning then. We don’t want this stuff blowing all over the square. There was also a bunch of broken glass, apparently from several replaced windows in the past…about 40 pounds of it, that I removed from the awning.

No help for it but a broom and a bucket...and some careful movement of the boom to avoid hitting stuff (signs, wires, lightposts, flags, small dogs)

No help for it but a broom and a bucket...and some careful movement of the boom to avoid hitting stuff (signs, wires, lightposts, flags, small dogs)

Cleaning the awning

Nothing left but a bit of dust! There were 5 buckets worth (2 full of nothing but glass!)

I still have to do trim, the shingles around the windows, and some caulking, priming, and painting, but our objectives have been reached for the moment. It looks so much better! We’ll work on the rest a bit later.

And just for a quick look-see…

From this:

Needs a bit of tinkering...

Needs a bit of tinkering...

To this:

Shingles done! Looks good, yes?

Shingles done! Looks good, yes?

Next weekend we are back at the Old Vic, scraping, priming (we hope), and preparing for guests!

Daniel Meyer

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Y’all may recall the exploding rose bush from about this time last year…

They are back again this year. Roses are blooming with wild abandon all over town!

Here’s a couple of ours!

A rose by any other name...

A rose by any other name... still a rose. still a rose.

It’s been a really nice spring!

Hmmmm…the month of May now, is it? Texas? About time for the temps to be set to “deep fat fry”.

Daniel Meyer

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Scaling the tower…

Now that the Left-handed Fargle-snorker was back on the road again…there was no excuse left to keep us from getting to work.

Not that it was a bad excuse or anything…after all, when there is Fargle-snorkering to be done, ya really need the right tools to do it.

And whilst I had the right tool…since it had no brakes it was kind of hard to actually stop and work on anything.

Ah well. Fresh out of excuses…so here we go!

So, ya’ll may remember this tower:

The tower before repairs

The tower before repairs

It’s attached to our historic commercial building we bought on the downtown square.

Obviously, it needs repair. For starters, it’s full of holes. Unless it’s a colander, most things full of holes need repair.

Also, the cedar shake siding is seriously weathered…some missing and much of the rest loose and falling off, there is missing trim, and birds and weather were freely making their way about the upper floor of the building.

A few weeks ago we did some repair…here we replaced some missing trim and removed some other dangerous (heavy and loose) trim from the top of the tower. We also started shingling the bottom part and finished that here.

Anyway, step one…remove the old stuff:

Tower scaling

Tower scaling

As you can see, a Left-handed Fargle-snorker is a handy tool for this task!

a Left-handed Fargle-snorker is a handy tool

a Left-handed Fargle-snorker is a handy tool

To avoid a huge mess in the street and having to clean too much stuff off of the awing, all this I’m peeling away I put in the bucket hanging from…well…my bucket. Then to save time I’d lower it by strap to the window and my Dad would exchange it for a fresh bucket.

Buckets of scales were removed

Buckets of scales were removed

Up and down. Around and around.

Up and down. Around and around.

Up and down. Around and around.

I dropped plenty of small stuff on the awning anyway…a lot of the shingles were only held on by a wish and a prayer and disturbing one would let a sliver of another drop off. I’ll sweep off the awing (from the bucket) a little later.

More up and down

More up and down

I destructed about half to start with…as that’s what could be easily reached without moving the truck around. I then started the re-assembly process.

Removed about half to start with

Removed about half to start with

The underlay was in amazing condition…with ZERO rot or serious problems despite the condition of the shakes. I had expected substantial repairs to be needed but thankfully the only thing needed was some loose stuff re nailed.

The Underlay was in good condition

The Underlay was in good condition

Here the pattern and jig-saw-puzzle nature of this beast begins to show itself. I did a bit of extra work to present some additional flourish in the form of pattern to the siding.

One big jigsaw puzzle.

One big jigsaw puzzle.







Round and round.

Round and round.

Round and round.

Nail nail nail nail nail nail.

Nail nail nail nail nail nail.

Nail nail nail nail nail nail.

It’s fun to note…the old siding was probably original…it was all nailed on with square nails. So…cedar siding can last 115 years or so in Texas weather…more I expect if better cared for. Short of mass destruction or some sort of catastrophic weather event…I don’t expect to have to do this again!

All held on with square nails...

All held on with square nails...

This is where we left it for this weekend. It was getting late, and I was just plain used up. There’s a lot of work involved in that big jig-saw puzzle. My helpers (my Dad and my Wife) were worn out too.

Almost done!

Almost done!

Almost done! As you can tell, there are just three rows left to apply. Of course, because we are approaching the top of the tower, every single shingle left to apply needs a cut. Excluding setup, there’s probably a couple hours work or so left to finish those off.

Close up view of the shingle detail

Close up view of the shingle detail

A good look at the pattern…

Close up view of the shingle detail

Close up view of the shingle detail

Once I finish the shingling, I’ve priming, caulking, and painting to do. There is also work needed around the windows to replace those shingles and get everything weather-proof. That will come as we have time…the main objective of this project was to stop further deterioration, improve the look of the city square, and to remove anything loose so it didn’t fall on somebody.

I think we accomplished that and SO much more.

A big thanks to my Dad and my Wife. They worked very hard…they probably hauled a ton of trash and debris out of the upstairs while also helping me (keeping me stocked with shingles/supplies, taking the old shingles I lowered, and making cuts for me).


Hopefully I’ll knock out the rest of the shingling and maybe some trim and caulking next weekend.

Heck…it’ll look downright spiffy for the 2010 Clarksville Fine Arts Festival (and I expect to see YOU there!)

Daniel Meyer

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