My sister bought a substantial piece of property (acreage) that has a derelict house project on it. Her dream was to own her own home and have a place for her horses.
The “project”, which for obvious reasons she calls ‘Q*bert’ is a quite large, 2-story, professionally framed “dry in”…a house somebody commissioned the framing, roofing, etc and was going to finish out the rest by themselves.
For whatever reason, the project was abandoned. After sitting a few years (my guess is 5-7) my sister bought it.
It had been in the weather long enough that even though the framing is undamaged, soon, very soon, there would be no hope for saving the building at all if it didn’t get the siding done and window repair.
Siding this monster is a huge and expensive job. It’s 22′ just to the roof-line! The job was well beyond the “do it yourself” capabilities of my sister and her spouse. It was also critical that it happened now or any further work/money expended on the building would be wasted. There were also 13 broken or seal-failed window panes that required replacement…another substantial expense.
My Dad came to this conclusion and stepped up to the plate for my sister…to get the “dry in” complete and save the house.
Y’all may know I like buildings…I hate seeing them go down…I look at them from the amount of human effort…work…dreams…hopes…that crafted them and always wonder at the circumstances that can suddenly render all that…to something with no value…so when my Dad asked me to coordinate/help out I was happy to do so.
Anyway, siding and glass contractors were contacted, options evaluated, projects projected, siding sided, glass glassed, and I also stepped in to correct some electrical deficiencies…including removing the service riser for the siding job, replacing the mains, and re-installing the riser after the siding was complete.
The transformation is dramatic. It was a hellova (that’s a technical term) job.
Good luck to my sister in her new home…and thanks Dad!

Enjoy the rest…