Wierd and Wonderful

We’re bound to find interesting and fascinating things in and about the house that don’t really fit neatly into other categories.

We’ll post them here!


We are having a serious drought…or as us native Texans that have been around a while call it, “A hot summer.” Going on 50 days over 100 degrees (40-some of those consecutive) and no meaningful rain. The combination is tough … Continue reading

The Singing Treholipee

We found this instrument in the upstairs of our historic commercial building in Downtown Clarksville: I’d never seen one so some confusion about what it was ensued. It was not quickly cleared up as I hadn’t gotten any clearer pictures … Continue reading

The Baker House

This small oil painting came with the house. It is not our house, but apparently one that was in our area. Locals say it was near our house, and in fact, visible from it…but it long ago burned. This town … Continue reading

Halloween was a blast!

This was our first Halloween in the Old Vic…we had no idea what to expect, but figured it was a worthy house to have a fun Halloween in and we’d decorate a bit. In our surburban “blah” house in Garland, … Continue reading

Ghost light?

This weekend’s ghostie? That’s a string…tied to the pull chain on the light…and no, it’s not touching anything. Even at extreme close range I couldn’t see anything touching it. Of course, this was a mundane event. It was a spider … Continue reading

Good gravy!

One of the treasures (?) of east Texas. Thanks to my friend Mike for the picture (I think…yep, I did ask for it!) Y’all familiar with Pilgrim’s Pride Chicken? Big producers in east Texas and west Arkansas and Louisana. Lots … Continue reading

It’s a wonder anybody is left alive…

In a world where my generation (I’m ashamed to say) demands warning labels that say “Hot” on Hot coffee, and the generation that follows mine manages to regularly kill itself off with things like sponge nerf balls and the little … Continue reading

Waspy Armageddon

Oh, it’s ON. The battle for territory has begun. I wiped out several of their advance scouting posts this winter…here and here for examples…but the battle has begun in earnest now. Warning…graphic waspy carnage is ahead… Can you almost hear … Continue reading


Ladybug, ladybug fly away home, Your house is on fire and your children are gone, All except one, And her name is Ann, And she hid under the baking pan. Ur…good lord! That’s a terrible nursery rhyme, but it is … Continue reading

Cutting Corners

Found about 250 pounds of these in the attic at the Old Vic…the cut off corners from preformed laminate countertop…probably early 80’s vintage by the patterns. These are the remnants when you cut two pieces to make a corner countertop. … Continue reading

So…who were we, that wrought such…brilliance?

So, who did it? The 70’s. Shag carpet, brilliant hues. 8-tracks. Gold medallions. Shimmering nylon shirts. Nobody ever admits to buying such things…these artifacts from the 70’s…yet we find them everywhere. Somebody must have looked at these things at one … Continue reading

Surprise Blooms

Apparently there are some plants that are somewhat confused at the season…ya know…80 degrees one day, 30 the next, 80 the day after (maybe 20 this week so they say…) Anyway…some surprise blooms at the Old Vic…came up under the … Continue reading

The Big Bulb…

Now that’s a big light bulb… We found this sitting on a shelf. The loose filament says it is burned out. I know everything’s bigger in Texas but really…. I know it’s not terribly old…but I’ve never seen one and … Continue reading

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