We are having a serious drought…or as us native Texans that have been around a while call it, “A hot summer.”
Going on 50 days over 100 degrees (40-some of those consecutive) and no meaningful rain. The combination is tough on the plants.
The peaches dried up on the tree:

Peaches cooked...right on the tree.
The leaves are falling off the trees in town, like it’s deep fall. The pecan tree has dropped all its pecans long before they were ready, and the grass is long dead…
Except this spot:

THIS...is where we bury the bodies...
Green and happy and carefree…this spot of grass is living the good life.
I’ve no water lines in the area, and supposedly the city water line is on the other side of the street…perhaps it’s something leaking under the street and coming out here, but the soil is dry.
Must be where we hide all the bodies!
Daniel Meyer