We found this instrument in the upstairs of our historic commercial building in Downtown Clarksville:
I’d never seen one so some confusion about what it was ensued. It was not quickly cleared up as I hadn’t gotten any clearer pictures than the one above…and even more confusion ensued when nobody I knew had ever seen one…(and I know an eclectic group).
So, I was dispatched to get some better pics and actually read the labels on the thing.
Well, apparently it’s a Treholipee…a Singing Treholipee in fact…which is I surmise a kind of ukulele.
It’s a late 60’s beach culture relic. How it ended up in Clarksville, Texas, abandoned in the second floor of an old pharmacy amongst the remnants of Naugahyde and stud upholstered light fixtures, coffee tables, and pool tables should be an interesting story…
Some info here
So…on to more pics of the one we found…clicky for bigger/complete:
- Hey look! A whoseawhatits.
It’s actually in very good condition…just needs cleaning and strings.
Daniel Meyer