A bunch of guys…a bunch of money.

Paid a bunch of guys a bunch of money to use a bunch of glop to seal a bunch of cracks in the roof of the Cupola building yesterday. I simply could not get the time to get up there (it’s a huge roof…over 25′ x 100′).

These roofs always shift around and need reasonably constant attention. With the major hailstorm, then the intense summer we had, we ended up with lots of small leaks.

The glop they use costs around $8/gallon and they used a lot (several 5 gallon buckets), especially across the back of the building, so I probably got off pretty cheap.

Now was not the time though. Money’s tight and we’ve already been hit hard by other issues. That and the property taxes and insurance due…oh…about now…on pretty much everything is catching up to us.

The roof of the Cupola building.

I can reasonably expect to get several more years service out of this roof if I’ll coat it with roof coat and go around it annually and touch up the cracks.

I think I need to sell a lot more art/books to pay for it though!

Sigh. Only money I guess. Don’t suppose y’all will line up and buy a bunch of books? Now would be the time…oh, and Christmas is coming up! You could knock out all your shopping on one place!

Daniel Meyer

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We had some pretty serious storms a week ago (Saturday night). Unfortunately we lost some shingles.

The Old Vic took some damage.

Not an easy place to reach

Not sure how to reach this at the moment…

We’re not ready to re-roof yet. Insurance is no help here…this could be repaired for a few hundred, and our deductible is much higher than that due to the age and condition of other parts of the roof.


Daniel Meyer

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Always something to fix…


Hmmm…that can *not* be good.


Sooo….a couple weeks ago I had the Left-handed Fargle-snorker up on the square to hang a new banner for our store.

Had to take the old banner down:

Putting up the new sign for The Cupola

The Fargle-snorker at work

And then roll out a new one:

Rolling out the new banner for The Cupola

Rolling out the new banner for The Cupola

Almost done:

The new banner almost done

The new banner almost done

It was quite windy that day so I had to be careful about letting the 10 foot long canvas banner get away. Basically, I loosely tied it on, then worked my way back to the other end tightening everything up.

As luck would have it, I was tensioning the last knot/line, but I had to stretch a bit to reach it. Overreaching when elevated is not a good idea, especially when you have the tools to avoid doing so.

So I grabbed the bucket controls and nudged myself into a better position by swinging the bottom boom “over the top” just a little more (the folding booms are an art in themselves to get yourself positioned, though once you get used to it, it’s pretty easy).

Just as I let off the lever, “Ker-SNAP-POP…”.

That was a strange noise…

Now these old trucks make a lot of strange noises, but I wasn’t even sure where this one came from. A quick check to make triple sure I hadn’t hit anything with the boom or bucket (I hadn’t, I’m pretty careful), a visual look over the truck (nope, not on fire), and I just had to shrug and get back to work.

I finished my knot and swung the boom around to begin the descent onto the truck.

When I went to swing the bottom boom back “over the top” is when I found out what the noise was. Hydraulic oil shot out the hinge between the booms, which at that moment, was pointed straight up in the air.

“Hey look! Old Faithful! Except with light oil!”

Sigh. Blew a hose. That’s going to be a pain to fix.

These cylinders are equipped with “pressure relief” type valves at each end of the cylinder. The result is that they won’t “bleed down”. You have to use hydraulic pressure on the other side to force the “down” side to vent. This does a couple things…it makes general control much smoother, and it keeps booms from falling if you blow a hose. A very good thing.

In this case, it was on the “up” side and I could force the boom down gracefully (due to the pressure relief valve), and the only oil to leak was from what should return to the tank out of the compressing cylinder.

Now I’ve got to get the hose out, and get a new one made. Probably ought to replace a couple others in there as well. I expect this one blew due to wear and sun exposure right at the bend in the boom and there are probably others that should be replaced.

It would be kind of embarrassing and inconvenient to get stuck up in a bucket with a boom I can’t move…

It’s probably a 40 foot long hose though (sigh). I’ll take pics on the operation to get that sucker out of there.

And knowing me, I’ll probably take this excuse to tune up/repair anything else I find along the way that needs it (like painting the booms…and the bed…and ??)

Anyway, got the sign hung and parked the truck, to await some time to get out the big wrenches.

The Cupola, 131 North Locust Street, Clarksville, Texas 75426

At least I got the sign hung before the Fargle-snorker broke.

Always something to fix.

Daniel Meyer

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All In…

My history, my life, my loves, successes and failures, pain and pleasure…all have culminated right *HERE*…and I still don’t know if I’m riding the right road.

But fortune favors the bold. Succeed or crash spectacularly. I’m “all in” in every way imaginable.

“Even if I lose the game, I’m all in, I’m all in for life”

Daniel Meyer

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Bookshelf Cat…

We had a lazy Sunday this week. Need one of those every now and then.

Pierre, the Maine Coon has Sunday figured out!

Pierre checking out our reading selection...

Pierre has Sunday mornings figured out...

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The Cupola is opening!

Kind of a big deal to us…we are opening a shop in our historic building on the Clarksville Square!

The Cupola, 131 North Locust Street, Clarksville, Texas 75426
The Cupola
On the Historic Clarksville Square
131 North Locust Street
Clarksville, Texas 75426

Opening Saturday, October 1, 2011 at 10 am. We will be open late due to the Clarksville Bazaar and Street Dance. Stop in!

Thursday – Saturday 10 am – 4 pm.

The Cupola carries art, antiques, collectables, and regional/Texas products from a variety of vendors. We will also carry a selection of books and music by area authors as well as a selection of used books.

We will eventually expand to include a coffee house, ice-cream, sandwiches, and a full soda fountain.

The Cupola is also the headquarters for Stormrider Press.

Check out our website (here) for more information!

A preview of the “art” part:

Dragon in a pickup? (sculpture by Roger Scott, from a single piece of wood!)

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You load 16 tons and what do ya get…

We’ve been cleaning up the old Pharmacy building downtown for nearly nearly 20 months.

We could have done it faster, if it had been the priority or we had thrown money at it.

Anyway, to illustrate the *scale* of the challenge, I was going through my receipts, and with the load of trash I pulled out of the building today we’ve used 800 contractor trash bags.

If I assume a VERY conservative 40 pounds each, we’ve hauled off 16 tons of garbage.

Piles and piles...

This doesn’t count several thousand pounds of non-bagged stuff…including a pool table, old smashed sandwich machines, dead printers and outdated electronic cash registers (dozens, literally).

Lots and lots...

It’s a big job. We’re seeing the light near the end of the tunnel!

I’ve repaired lights (12 ballasts and so far, 40 bulbs…I need another case), pulled out unneeded/bad electric, and pulled nasty carpet.

Maybe next weekend…pics of it *clean*!

It needs it…we’re about to open something…

More on that later!

Daniel Meyer

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Weekend fails (pics)

So. Last post described some fails…here’s some pics…

The parts I need to source:

Dead A/C parts from the Cupola Building

And the lunch place…the line was short but no matter how hungry we looked we couldn’t get a seat:

Burned? Bombed? Remodeling?

Soooo…hoping I can get the parts this week, then I’ll fix the air next weekend…

And fortunately I don’t have to fix the restaurant!


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Never to plan…

Y’all might recall THIS post from last week, where I did a bit of fargle-snorkering.

The plan this weekend was to take the truck back up, finish off the flashing where I foamed last weekend (got too hot to work and the foam needed to cure), and then haul some trash out of the building.

Then we were going to use the hot part of the day to clean the inside lower floor of the Cupola building, perhaps rearrange some shelves etc. I also had some minor electrical woes to cure. All inside work, and all cool, because we have air-conditioning in the Cupola.


So, to summarize:
1) Use Fargle-snorker.
2) Work in air-conditioning.
3) Eat lunch (that’s ALWAYS part of the plan).

Absolutely nothing went the way we planned of course!

1) The heat ate the battery on the Fargle-snorker. We’ve been over 100 for 60 some days now, and that’s as hard on batteries as cold, but we just used it last week. Heat-kill in a week means the battery is toast. I’ve got it on the charger so hopefully I can work in the morning, but I’m gonna have to buy a new one (sigh).

2) The heat ate the air-conditioning at the Cupola. Gad. Turned it on, no cool air. Sigh. Checked it out…lost the fan motor in the condenser (outside) unit. While checking it out it even managed to start running backwards.

Bad fan motor, bad contactor/relay (still working but arc-damaged), bad start/run capacitor. I’ll have to hunt parts for it Monday/Tuesday.

Pretty much fried myself in the heat, getting the old motor/etc out so I can make sure and get the correct ones. Good hour to get it all apart.

Funny…I couldn’t get the fan off the motor…loosened the set screws and it would not budge. Tried prying/etc and it simply would not move.

Gave up and decided I’d haul the fan/motor downstairs where I could work on it better and with more tools (and perhaps a little lube).

Halfway down the stairs the fan popped right off in my hand the the 25 pound motor went tumbling down the stairs (almost took out a window!)

Changed some lights and cleaned up a couple other electrical woes before it got too hot downstairs to work. Didn’t take long…we were headed for 104 or so today.

3) Lunch. Time for lunch. Headed to Paris for lunch and to pay a visit to Homeowner Hell to get some stuff. What could possibly go wrong? Well, our favorite Chinese place appears to have flat burned down…most of the roof is gone and the building is gutted.

Hope they rebuild…they were always busy and the food and service were good. We’ll see I guess. Heck, I’m not even sure it burned? I can’t find anything in the Paris news (we do, however, have an article about a deer that followed a guy on his morning walk).

Ah well. Lunch was at Weezy’s Restaurant in Blossom, Texas…good burgers. Good catfish. Good iced-tea.

Pics later…

So…lots of fail…but got stuff done anyway. A little wiring, some lights fixed, a little cleaning, some excellent lunch…and now…a siesta!

I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings…

Daniel Meyer

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My friend Raine over at Wild-Type caught this visitor helping to keep the neighborhood lawns mowed.

An outstanding shot!

That’s the Old Vic in the background of course…

Daniel Meyer

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