If the shoe fits…

Here I sit…in the office…wearing a dress-shirt, dress-slacks, and sneakers.

Yep. Sneakers.

Heh…usually it’s motorcycle boots…but at least they meet the dresscode.

Why the sneakers? Well, it’s about a nail, a wasp, and a prybar. It was swell, but the swelling’s gone down.

I had a rather large pile of used/salvage lumber…these are boards taken out of the house as we remove old, added parts to reconfigure those parts for our use. Principally, the utility room.

Last weekend when we got to the house, we found that the pile of lumber had been blown over.

I figured if I have to restack it anyway, it was time to pull the nails and get rid of the usless stuff (split/cracked/too short to use/etc), so I set to work.

Grab a board out of the scattered pile, pull all the nails, restack it with similiar material (to make it easy to find/use as we reassemble the area), wipe the sweat out of my eyes, and start again.

After a couple hours of this, I picked up a board and somehow managed to annoy the crud out of a red wasp that was hanging about.

He buzzed me. I stepped back. . .right onto a board with a nail sticking up of course.

Ouch. Damn. Right in the front of my foot, about a half-inch behind the toes, right between the pads. Yeesh. At least it didn’t come out of the top of my foot (this time).

So, there I sit, on the porch stairs, trying desperately to pry a board off my foot with a Stanley Wonderbar (they really do work wonders), cursing, and warily eyeing the red wasp buzzing around my head.

Monday I wore my boots to work. Big mistake. The front of my foot had swollen and the boots just made it worse (and hurt like hell).

From Tuesday on I wore the sneakers…the grubby, comfortable, working-on-the-house sneakers…you know the ones.

Ahhh. Finally, today, the swelling is gone.

That’s a good thing. The weekend is nearly here…and I like to get one injury out of the way before I acquire another…

Daniel Meyer

Posted in Miscellaneous | 1 Comment

Good gravy!

One of the treasures (?) of east Texas. Thanks to my friend Mike for the picture (I think…yep, I did ask for it!)

Y’all familiar with Pilgrim’s Pride Chicken? Big producers in east Texas and west Arkansas and Louisana. Lots of chicken farms…between these guys and Tyson there aren’t many independents left…but that’s another story. Pilgrim’s Pride runs very odd commercials featuring Bo Pilgrim…the owner or such…in a Pilgrim’s hat and touting his chicken over his competetors “Fat yellow chicken”.

He’s also known for unusual and perhaps illegal influence peddling, and outright bribery of state legislators. Apparently, he takes himself quite seriously.

So, Bo, my man…are you hopelessly conceited what? I mean really, where does one go to get a massive 30-foot fiberglass likeness of yourself anyway?

Bo Pligrim...the really big head.

Bo Pligrim...the really big head.

This monstrosity is outside a processing plant here in the great state of Texas…I’m ashamed to admit. I mean…really…what in the world are they thinking?

Corporate icon or overbearing nutcase. You decide.

Daniel Meyer

Posted in Wierd and Wonderful | 1 Comment

An Idea Whose Time Has Come

One of the best things about renovating our own house…is we can do it our way.

Another fun thing is we get to torture the UPS man with all the weird and wonderful stuff that shows up at our doorstep.

Pex manifold. Muhahahahahahaha!

Pex manifold. Muhahahahahahaha!

This showed up yesterday. Anybody care to take a guess?

Daniel Meyer

Posted in Plumbing | 2 Comments

Hit me with some heat!

No pictures this week…didn’t get much done. High was 105 degrees Saturday…I worked a bit in the morning. I had to cut some pecan tree limbs that were beginning to crowd the sidewalk.

It got hot fast.

Very hot outside, and much of our house is not “in air-conditioning” as one of my neighbors put it…we have enough tonnage installed to (maybe) cool about 4 rooms…only one of which I’m working on.

None of the new units are in yet…and no insulation is in yet.

Soon, it was siesta time! I went into the dining room (we’re using it as a bedroom, and it’s the only one we’re cooling unless we have guests or are working in another area), layed down on the bed (and, more importantly, in the AC breeze), and fell asleep.




I needed a break anyway…my job’s been a bit stressful lately. There is only so much in one man to give.

Later, my Mom and my friend Mike came up to visit…we went out and ate outstanding Italian food, drank a bottle of wine courtesy of our very good friend Larry Algaier at Square Corner Artworks (thanks Larry!), and came home to eat a fruitata thing (a sweet/chocolated crusted custard pie-like thing with fresh fruit on top) we brought up just for the occasion. Happy Birthday Mike!

I cut in a couple more can lights in the sunroom in the afternoon…on a side note…there will be more light-bulbs JUST in the sunroom when I’m done, then were in the entire house as it was wired. Yeah, I’m an electrician. Ambient vs task vs mood/style lighting…I got some ‘O that going on…

I then installed a finished/rebuilt window sash set (my first!) in the upstairs Sunday morning before the upstairs got intolerable.

On the windows? Only 40-48 more to go…depending on how ya count ’em…something like 300 panes that need reglazed. Oy!

I’ve had some email (hey, that’s great! Somebody’s actually reading the website!) letting me know in no uncertain terms that I should only repair and restore the house…put it back as it was built. Apparently, for some folks (and they are somewhat bitter about it), things like insulation and modern heat/air/plumbing systems have no place in a house like this…afterall, “they knew what they were doing when they built it or it wouldn’t be still standing””.

I disagree. It’s a house. If it’s not loved and lived in, it will fall down. It must be usable, economical to manage, and comfortable.

A data point for those “no AC and no insulation” restorationists…there’s a reason many of these gorgeous houses stand abandoned and unoccupied until they fall down. With the windows open and venting as all those old time builders intended…measured temperature upstairs? 108 degrees. (104 in the un-conditioned downstairs). A breeze is not going to cool the house off much if that breeze is 105 degrees. Then there’s the heat warnings…which means it doesn’t go low enough at night to let the buildings cool off much. Hot. Yep. We’ve got some ‘O that here.

The upstairs of this house, as built, is not habitable for probably 6 months of our year. We’ll talk about heating and winter later.

108 degrees!

That’s deadly heat, especially with the east Texas humidity, and especially for infants and the aged. It’s easily and economically remedied by a bit if insulation, proper attic venting, and some efficient AC and heating systems.

Please walk in another man’s shoes (the sweat filled, melting ones) before making sweeping declarations about how these houses would be just fine if left as built. In this region anyway, you know not of what you speak.

Insulation and AC for me, and lots of both. This house will stand another couple hundred years if I repair what damage it has now and modernize it appropriately, and would fall down in a decade or so (or much less) of vacant neglect if I or somebody else did not (like the big green house down the street they bulldozed last week).

We will balance the modern systems (like indoor plumbing!) with a “Victorian Attitude”. No, I couldn’t find “old growth tight ringed hand milled beadboard”, but we did find beadboard that duplicates the look of what’s in the house.

I won’t be hanging the single bulb from the twisted wires in the center of the room as was common when wiring was installed in this house (and is still installed in many rooms of this house)…but our fixtures will be ornate and interesting. Plumbing? Heh…yeah, ours will be indoor! Anything after that is not period correct so the “Victorian” look is of our choosing.

No doubt we won’t please some with our choices, but others will rejoice with us for the ones that work out as intended.

On the “get rid of heat” front…I have one AC unit already here to install…it’s a mini split, SEER 20, one-ton that will service the sunroom and utility room and will replace one of the 30+ year old and very inefficient window units (the entire city goes dim when I fire up one of those monsters). I also need to insulate that area when I finish the wiring and plumbing. At the rate I’m going, I’ll be ready to run the new unit…at about the end of the summer.


Ah well. That’ll be one down anyway…and two rooms done…and we often need AC even in the winter here. We’ve run the AC and the heat on the same day on occasion! We went from 94 to 24 on one memorable day…but Texas weather is subject for another post (and many of you will have stories that beat mine anyway!)

More of these AC units are needed, as well as the insulation. I wish I could just buy it all and get it going…but alas…time and money. Time and money. There’s a budget to stick to…and another possible project looming on the horizon too (involves yet ANOTHER tower!), so it’s important we stick to the plan.

We have a strategy…and we’re following it…but sometimes looking at getting the entire house usable, the scope is a bit overwhelming. Not only that…the desire is to do something that shows NICE cosmetically is intense…but the infrastructure has to be in first (heat/cool/wiring/plumbing/insulation)…and that has to stick to the budget.

Ah well. Eyes on the prize (after I wipe the sweat out of them!)

Daniel Meyer

Posted in Heat/Air Conditioning | 1 Comment

Warp Factor?


We have this Sunroom you see…

The sun room. Note the air-conditioner on the far left of that pic...

The sun room. Note the air-conditoner on the far left of that pic...

At some time in past generations one of the windows was removed and AC was installed:

That's the air-conditioner again on the right of that pic (we'll talk about the car-port later).

That's the air-conditioner again on the right of that pic (we'll talk about the car-port later).

Now, I can’t blame them…here in Texas…and especially in east Texas…without AC you would simply burst into flames shortly after the sun came up…except the 90% humidity quenches your flammable tendencies just enough so that although you may *wish* you would just burst into flames at any given moment, the reality is you’ll just sit there and smolder.

AC is a requirement here. Yeah, I know about the old-timers and how tough they were…but I’ve got a news flash…here they all either got AC, or they died. Really, I can’t find one Victorian era person left alive that doesn’t have AC. Not one! It’s just eerie. Related? I think so…It’s either that or aliens…

For all you northern types…I’ll cut you a deal…you pretend you understand why AC is required during our 8 months of summer here, and I’ll pretend I understand why you need an oil furnace and more than one windbreaker during your 8 months of winter.

Anyway, to combat those “bursting into flame” issues in the Sunroom (and adjacent utility room) we are putting in this:

The New AC

The New AC

That’s a really cool (heh) SEER 20 1-ton heat split unit pump btw….that’s the interior unit sitting on top of the exterior unit…we’ll probably still heat with NG as long as it’s cheaper, but options are nice. We’ll probably end up with 7 or 8 of these in the house…handy for zoning etc…but all that’s another story…and yes, there will be pics.

Sooo…the massive (heavy), 40 year old AC unit that is trying desperately to rip out the plywood that’s only marginally attached to the old window frame is going away…and we are going to re-install the missing window. Fortunately the frame is still there…in the wall.

That just leaves the windows themselves…

We lucked out! They were kind enough to leave these tucked into a nook on the second floor:

The old windows still exist!

The old windows still exist!

Which, by the way, along with the 7 other SETS of windows in that room gives me…ur…um…pi is assumed to be 3.14…”C” equals the speed of light…carry the two…

Good gawd!!! 240 panes of glass to re-glaze…just in that one room! Gad…maybe bursting into flames is not such a bad thing…

The frames of course, need the standard re-gluing of the corners…but the thing that bugs me the most is the “disinclination to proceed in an orderly fashion and toe a straight line” the frame of one of them has taken…




Yep, Warped

Yep, Warped

Now, as warped as the folks close to me may think I am…I’ve not had to deal with this in a window before…what’s the cure?

Ponderings are in order…

edit: The cure is a third hinge on each window…top, bottom, center.

Daniel Meyer

Posted in Carpentry/Structure, Heat/Air Conditioning, Windows | Leave a comment

Misplaced another wall…

Much flailing about with destructive implements occurred this weekend.

Y’all might remember this second kitchen thing…it was carved out of an old screened-in porch or mudroom.

Second kitchen...thing

Second kitchen...thing

Plans call for it to be a utility/mud room but back with the rest of the porch…so another wall had to go.

In the 97 degree and 90% humidity of east Texas, I went to work.

Removed wall

Removed wall

Removed wall, another view

Removed wall, another view

The wall is gone. Got floor repair to do (fortunately part of the wall was covered in the same tongue and groove so I have material). I will have to rebuild the exterior wall for that segment as well…it’s not really framed in…it’s on the old porch rail and is not very stable, though this addition has been there at least 50 years. The window is moving as well.

The exterior wall rebuild is on the slate for next weekend.

We are trying to get the utility room in so that we can install a new hot water heater and new plumbing associated with it. There is a leak somewhere in the old hot water heater plumbing and I don’t want to waste the time/effort fixing what I’m replacing anyway. The old one is improperly vented as well.

Sooo…some insulation…a water heater closet…some vents and stacks…some electric…floor work…plumbing…maybe a little roof work…and that durn carport…(and the beat goes on and on and on and on and on and on…)

Daniel Meyer

Posted in Carpentry/Structure | Leave a comment


The 2nd annual Clarksville Fine Arts Festival ROCKED! Lots of folks came out to see us, including friendly faces from the Dallas area (Hi Y’all!).

There were dozens of outstanding artists, a Friday night gallery show, some fine Texas wines, beautiful sunny skies, great food, rocking music, and a lot of friendly people.

Some of Roger Scott's work at The Clarksville Fine Arts Festival

Some of Roger Scott's work at The Clarksville Fine Arts Festival

More from Roger Scott...this dragon is calling my name...

More from Roger Scott...this dragon is calling my name...

Thanks for coming out…and we’ll see you again next year!

Daniel Meyer

Posted in Miscellaneous | Leave a comment

A sense of urgency…

I don’t know why…but I have this sense of urgency about the project…like I *must* get (insert whatever list of stuff needs done here) completed *right now*.

Since there is a LOT to do about the house, you can probably imagine this is causing me some strife.

I’ve got wiring to do, air-conditioning to install, the utility room project, glass to glaze, windows to mount, *more* windows to repair, grounds to maintain, etc. This is just the stuff that needs doing that I have the materials/tools/whatever on hand to do. I need to get paint for the sunroom (whose ceiling, BTW, is currently swiss-cheese due to the stages of installation of a whole slew of light fixtures), more trim, a hot-water heater, sink, vanity, and toilet for the half bath…and so on.

Outside there’s trees to trim, a lawn to keep cut, minor maintenance on the house exterior to keep it in shape pending actual repair/restoration.

Oh, and then there’s another possible major project…sorta-kinda house related…definitely life changing…certianly on the scale of the Old Vic project…gad, what am I thinking? Must I *always* push myself to the limits of my abilities (time, skills, money)? LOL!

More on that later.

The urgency is artificial…unless my subconcious has picked up on something I have not and is driving me for a reason. Hmmmm. Ponderings are afoot I suppose…but really, I just need to focus on each segment at hand. The whole is overwhelming, but I just need to look at it enough to focus on a segment, then gnaw on that till it’s done. That works amazingly well.

Daniel Meyer

Posted in Miscellaneous | Leave a comment

Ya’ll don’t forget…

Come out and see me at the Clarksville Fine Arts Festival this Saturday. I’ll have books, about 25 watercolors, and close to 60 pencil works. Even a few prints as well!

There’s food, music, and art!

It’s going to be a gorgeous day for a ride!

Daniel Meyer

Posted in Miscellaneous | 1 Comment

Wall goes down…wall goes up!

The Sun Room…soon to be my art studio…was on the agenda this again this weekend.

Seems we’re having guests for the Arts Festival *NEXT* weekend and needed two operable guest rooms. “Operable” here means a place to sleep, a bit of privacy, and most important…air-conditioning so the guests can actually sleep, as opposed to simply bursting into flames.

Well, I’ve not installed the new AC system yet, and the sunroom is one of only three rooms with a working window unit.

So of course, we had torn it up as part of the remodel. Sigh.

Time to get cracking!


Y'all recall this picture...complete with pepto-bismal color trim?

We removed the door on the left…and needed to relocate the door on the right to the center of the space it comes from (our utility room)

Moving doors around

Moving doors around

So…wall in the way

Wall in the way

Wall in the way

Wall goes down

Wall goes down

Wall goes down

Wall goes back up:

Wall goes back up

Wall goes back up

Complete with beadboard…and a door with transom window…centered in the utility room (so we can have cabinetry on both sides of the utility)

New wall

New wall

New Door

New Door

LOTS of work to accomplish this over the weekend.

Let’s see….
a. Fixed air conditioner!
1. crawled around under house with 5 cast iron house jacks getting the area where the wall is going level.
2. Removed the old plumbing for the second kitchen (now the utility room) sink. Removed and capped hot, cold, and drain. That’s a feat in and of itself just because it’s old galvanized iron pipe and you never know whether it will unscrew or break at the joint (broke, thrice). Oh, and found some lead pipe too…just for entertainment’s sake! Yep, eventually it’s all going to be replaced, but we are using part of it for now.
3. Removed 1 gas jet. Relocated another.
4. Built and beadboarded wall.
5. Installed door frame.
6. Went in search of door to fit door-frame (yah, uh, maybe should have gone and done that BEFORE installing the door frame ). Side-note: You know you’re an old house owner if: You have 17 extra doors, and none of them fit any of the door-frames that are missing doors in your house!
7. Found THE door! WooHoo! Installed door. Ordered glass.
8. Found transom window. WooHoo! Ordered more glass.
9. Cleaned up 8000 nails, dust, staples, iron pipe leavings etc.

We didn’t get to the wiring or the paint…but they can wait till after this weekend.

Daniel Meyer

Posted in Carpentry/Structure, Heat/Air Conditioning, Plumbing | Leave a comment