(deep breath)
A project that’s related to the Old Vic project that’s not quite on topic but since it’s a project and I tinker on it and this one will definitely be related to the other one…
There’s a tower ya see. (shrugs) What was I supposed to do?
So, ya’ll (technical Texas term) may know I own a house with a tower on it…since you’re here I expect you read a little about it.
A pic (because I can muhahahahaha):
A circa 1903(ish) Queen Anne Victorian. We’ve had it a year this December 1. Lots ‘O things going on. New electric. New plumbing (started). Rebuilding an old second kitchen that was an old screened-in-porch that was an old step-off-porch into a new utility room. One of 47 windows rebuilt.
Heat. Air.
It’s going…maybe a little slower than I hoped, but it’s progressing nicely.
Now…to the title of this post…
Apparently…I am a glutton for punishment.
Hmmm. Make that Glutton. For. Punishment.
We just put a contract on a 1880(ish) commercial building right on the historic square. With any luck we’ll be closing on it about Dec 1 this year.
It has a tower, ya see. How could I resist?
Old house. Tower. Needs a little work.
Building. Tower. Needs a little work.
Seemed to make sense at the time…
I may have a skewed definition of the phrase “little work”.
Lots more work to do now. We have big plans for this place.
A pic (or couple):
More after we close the sale!
Daniel Meyer (got the evil lair/well on my way to world domination)
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