More railing work…got the siding repaired and flashed.

Siding Repair and flashing
Installing the last rail section:

Siding Repair and last rail section
We like the look. Now, just need to do something about that sea of Crapsman mowers…

Mostly done.
On the “Why things cost more front”…this is about $100 worth of deck screws…in the 5 sizes needed to do this project. This is the third refill of those containers.

Why things cost more…
Just trim bits left…I wanted to seal the top rail…don’t want bugs/wasps and such making a home there…so I got to cut about a billion little blocks (the stairway ones at 35 degree angles) to precise sizes to install in the gaps…

Blocks to seal top rail
I’ve never been so glad I have a saw with a fricken laser on its head!

Lots and lots of blocks
Got a few more trim pieces and details to do…but we are mostly complete.

Angled blocks
No rest now though…I’ve got to do this same project across the entire front of the house…or I lose my insurance. Some adjuster has his panties in a wad and is REQUIRING me to replace the historic rails with something they deem “safe”.
There is an additional twist to that part of the project…first…I have to repair or replace several columns and some of the decking while I’m at it…AND several sections of the front railings will need to be curved! Should be fun!

Time to replace the front rails.