Hmmm…another nook…or perhaps a cranny.
That’s an interesting thing about old houses and buildings…they have nooks and crannies all over the place.
Working on the 1860’s building on the square Monday…

Our 1860's Gothic Debatable building. (this pic not from Monday)
On the commercial building, there is a drop ceiling on the first floor (two actually, but that’s another story). We discovered an access hatch on the mezzanine (kind of a half-floor) that leads to the space between the original ceiling and the first of the dropped ceilings.
I spent several hours Monday morning cleaning it out.
Keep in mind, this “nook” covers an area about 80 feet deep by 25 feet wide.
Remove a panel and “presto!” More junk.

Another nook...or perhaps cranny
A view into the depths…

A view into the depths. 80 feet or so in there is the front of the building.
Paperwork. Lots of it.
Basically, I found the 1970’s in paperwork!

Paperwork from 1973
Did I say paperwork from the 70’s? Well, the 60’s too! Here’s an uncashed check from 1963.

An uncashed check from 1963
And let’s not forget the mattress in the attic…because you just never know when you’ll want to take a nap in the attic, yes?

And let's not forget the matress...

Everybody needs a box of severed ladies heads
Okay, maybe not actual severed heads…but there were more than a dozen of these “wig head” things scattered about, and dozens of scalps…I mean wigs scattered everywhere. EXACTLY the kind of thing that will get your heart going when you are alone in nook of an 1860’s era building crawling through the dust with little light.
Yah know…crawling along…all alone…in the dark…and as you move your hand forward you lightly touch the hair…then sort of shift yourself so you get a little more light and now you can see the hair is on a head…!!!!!!!!
About 8 giant contractors bags full of debris removed from this space.
Daniel Meyer
2 Responses to Attic Cleanup–and severed ladies’ heads.