Well…how do you like it?

I have just finished with the redesigned site…the short of it is that it is now MUCH easier for me to post articles and pictures, and just as important, it’s easy for me to organize it.

The result for me is more time to work on the house, and more time to write articles and take pictures.

The end result for you, my faithful readers, will be more articles, information, and pictures. The old site was difficult to get everything hooked up right, and I found myself “reluctant” to start a new or complicated post or article. That was a big clue.

The new site has taken care of all that and should serve well.

Articles are organized into topics (under the “articles” pull down menu), or you can read them all in the order they were posted by looking under the “All Articles” topic.

Please feel free to post comments, ask questions, suggest topics, etc. You can post comments on articles or pictures, AND there is a contact form in the menus above if you would like to email us.

What do you think?

Daniel Meyer

About Daniel Meyer

Author. Adventurer. Electrician.
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