Headlines: Car thinks it’s a truck. Door vanishes. Rain Falls. Yard Grows.

Interesting weekend!

Between 6 and 8 inches of rain fell in 24 hours…Saturday afternoon to Sunday afternoon.

This is, of course, because I really, desperately, needed to mow the grass. I even had the mower key with me this time!

So, no use crying over spilled water…and I got tired of watching the animals march by two by two, so work inside it was!

Crunchbird“, the wife’s Altima, is getting a superiority complex I suspect.

We took Crunchbird to the Old Vic instead of the big honkin’ Dodge (“Big Iron”) for a couple reasons…one, better mileage, and two, because we could fit everything we needed to haul up there in the trunk of the car.

Thus the superiority complex.

Lot's 'O stuff in the trunk

Lot's 'O stuff in the trunk

300 linear feet of beadboard...in da Altima!

300 linear feet of beadboard...in da Altima!

Crammed in there are:
-Two 24″ box fans (summer is coming).
-250′ of 10/3 w/ground romex (wiring is on the menu).
-A dozen or so wiring boxes of various flavors (and I probably still don’t have the one I need).
-A case of diet Coke (Renovating is thirsty work).
-A case of water (did I mention summer is coming).
-Our overnight bags (even I need clean underwear now and again).
-A tote full of sheets and other linens for the house (no washer/dryer hooked up yet).
-A 2′ x 3′ framed mirror (’cause it’ll look good in the hall…in a couple years when we get around to that part).
-300 linear feet of beadboard (most impressive).

Oh, hey! A door disappeared in the Sunroom!
It was here (the one on the left):

The door was here

The door was here

Now it’s gone:

Removed door.

Removed door.

The door we removed (frame and all) has a transom window, and will be moved over to replace the door into the utility room (, on the right in the top pic…and which is getting re-centered in the utility room wall). Salvaged beadboard went up with a bit of a fuss, fit smooth and perfectly, and with a coat of paint, will look like new.

I really can’t wait to get rid of the pepto bismal pink color that’s on the trim and various parts of the beadboard in that room.

Work on the “relocating” door framing will happen next week…along with wiring. Didn’t get as far as I expected this weekend (as usual).

Oh, yeah…Loews of all places…carries beadboard that matches ours exactly…size, thickness, pattern. Amazing! Not the “premium” stuff in the packages…the stuff found in their “flooring/molding” isle in bulk (by the stick).

With any luck, we’ll have this room habitable by the 30th…when we are, of course, needing it to put up some house guests.

Paint! I need paint! And lighting! I NEED LIGHTING!


Daniel Meyer

About Daniel Meyer

Author. Adventurer. Electrician.
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